Re: this uni good
You are incorrect in your statement. That uni is not good.
Re: this uni good
No. It’s one of the worst unicycles that you can buy.
The seat will bend, rip, and cut your legs. The seat is literally dangerous after the seat has hit the ground and gotten bent up.
The bearing holders are one of the worst designs. The frame will crack where the bearing holders bolt to the frame. It doesn’t take heavy or abusive use to crack the frame. Just regular riding can do it.
So you’ve got a seat that can’t survive repeated drops on the ground and you’ve got a frame that can’t survive regular riding. It’s not a unicycle that was ever designed to actually be ridden.
My first Uni was one by Cycle Designs but it looks just like that, as far as the seat style and rounded fork go. I’ve been thuroughly impressed with its durability though. I’ve done 2 foot drops on it, ridden down stairs, done muni, and the thing keeps tickin. I wouldn’t buy another one by any means, but I’ve had good luck with a similar uni.
the seat is however horrendous. I’m actually swapping that seat out for my original torker seat…you know, the one that was made of fire and nails? Yeah that one. Just because it takes abuse way better than the CD/Savage seat and A friend of mine is learning on it.
A while ago someone here asked what the five worst unicycles were. Two people answered “savage savage savage savage savage.” Don’t even think of buying it.
It’s called Savage for a reason…
It’ll never sell. You can buy a new Savage for the same price, so if you did want to but a pile of stress, you could get it new, so you could blame the uni and not the seller… I mean if is selling seats 2 for 1 then they must be trying to get rid of them…
Well, I can’t tell you to get it or not but i can tell you WHY to get it or not…it all depend on what your using it for…if its your first one and you don’t plan on doing anything more than riding down the street (as in no jumping, riding on chunky ground, Muni ing, or trials) than it should be good for a bout 3 years or so. I had one almost exactly the same, but made by Norco. The frame FINALY split between the bolts (its been 4 almost 5 years, now belongs to my buddy) so before it got worse, we tied metal zip ties between the bolts to stop the spliting. Its working great now. Personnaly, I wouldn’t buy it because i’m sure not just gonna ride around on hard flat ground.
I agree that the savage saddles are death.
thread jack:
Nevertheless is also selling united saddle for 2 for 1, and let me tell you something about united saddles: They’re good.
yes, that’s right. United saddles are good They take a beating, slip in and out with ease and have a great seat-out hand-rest.
The only problem with them is their lack of handle. Now, if I could fit some sort of handle on there I will have created the best trials saddle ever.
end thread jack:
So yeah, dont’ buy that uni.
Dude! Ass-grooves are IN yo! You might want to keep up with fashion PSSSSSSHH!
im going to dig out my old united seat and see if i can find a handle to fit it.
Let me know how it goes.
Re: this uni good
It is good, compared to like, a kick in the face, or a bullet in the skull… maybe. is actually selling united saddles 3 for 1, which is cheaper than the savage…
I started learning on my brother’s Savage but then the cotter pins rounded off. Don’t have much experience with the seat, but the bearing design is terrible and I can’t tell from the pic if those cranks are cottered, but if they are, they won’t stand up to much.
i was just wondering why in all of these posts obieone replies yet doesnt unicycle… get out and ride and then talk on these pages…just a thought
k thanks
ok. first of all, obieone rides like every night, he just doesnt post about it always. its because swat is making a super secret video, and he’s helping us. i ride all the time too, like last night even. i just dont feel the need to post everytime i ride. only when i have done something really awesome or extraordinary do i post, or when i have questions. just because someone doesnt post every day doesnt mean they dont ride every day. (i commute to school daily on my coker) also Allthingsuni, where are all your posts about when you ride, hmmm?
second of all, a savage is bad, but i learned to ride on one! its not all bad, just dont hop. ever. EVER.
Sigh. Just shut up. Thanks Nick.