(Animal Hybrids (One is fake)) Liger or Dogopus?
(Animal Hybrids (One is fake)) Liger or Dogopus?
Pokemon or Digimon?
Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan?
dialga–although i had to look it up. i am not caught up on myv pokemon
squirtle or charmander
Squirtle for all kinds of win.
Daddy or Chips (I just realised it’s pretty late and most non-UK folks won’t understand that one. Here’s a handy video -
ok my mom is watching tv so i cant watch the video but im gonna go chips
crispy or soft, as it pertains to bacon
To live in a Northern Hemisphere country or a Southern Hemisphere country.
Southern (OBVIOUSLY)
Laptop or Desktop?
desktop (OBVIOUSLY)
cold or hot weather
Cold for unicycling, hot otherwise.
Wake up in a coffin or wake up chained down in a dark room?
wake up in a coffin
pencil or pen?
skydive or base jump
base jump
(you have less time to think about your death after your chute(s) fail)
old classic or new fancy (cars)
old classic with new components
east coast or west coast
grinding or wheelwalking
East coast.
Giving up or Failing.
FIRST FAIL!!! cmon Hazmat why’d you gotta do that?
i will answer knoxuni’s cuz he was first. wheelwalking
big dogs or small gogs
big dogs
hamsters or gerbals
Blue or Green