That was a scary little video. With all my friends that skae and stuff i have never seen this or anything like this happen
yea, i used to skate heaps. ive seen a lot of people skate a lot as well. it rarely happens but when it does you get nailed!
Why would you want to even watch that? I find it rather sadistic to even watch it for longer than like 30 seconds. I don’t find it gross I just don’t find people getting hurt captivating. But yeah it sucks to see people get hurt like that but it could be us just as easily. A pedal slipping on a grind and landing badly on the rail, rolling out on a drop and hitting landing on your back, jumping onto an object not properly built and having it fall apart under you. I have had some pretty bad falls that could be in that video, one in particular I rolling hopped onto a ledge and lost balance as it rolled out from under me. Next thing I knew my spine landed on the corner of the ledge and the rest of my body followed suit. I was lucky I didn’t have any serious damage, just some scrapes, bruises and a rather painful back for a while.
So you can learn of otherones mistakes.
And learn why it is important to wear protection.
And learn that if you do stupid things the rest of the world will laugh on you at YouTube.
That made me want to cry. Except for a few parts were I laughed.
Why do skateboarders crash so much? I was unicycling hard at a skatepark for three hours yesterday, and I never fell down once, but the skateboarders there were wiping out all over the place…
Why do [most] people ALWAYS stop/slow down (and cause traffic jams! ) when they see car accidents? Simple: Morbid Curiosity. It’s a common, albeit primal, Human trait.The fact that you watched for 30 seconds is proof. You could’ve stopped much sooner, just as soon as you realized what was going on, but you kept watching; and there are about SIX individual accidents in that first 30 seconds!
because once your really good at unicycling, and really good at skateboarding, or not that good even. the stuff that skate boarders do is just really crazy,big,fast, and hard. falls are just more prevelent in skateboarding/skating
But it’s not really so much about skating, it’s about being stupid. You can be stupid on anything.
First of all, not a pad to be seen anywhere that I noticed in the whole vid. I know it’s like “against the rules” to use helmets for skateboarding, but apparently brain damage isn’t.
I wonder if any of those guys made it into the Darwin Awards? If not, many of them are serious wannabees.
Some of those crashes were bad landings of relatively normal moves, but some were simply idiotic things those guys were trying. Yeah, how are you supposed to not get hurt when jumping off a roof? Does that actually work?
But anyway, Trials unicycling can lead to many of those types of falls. Our main advantage over the skaters, in the injury department that is, is lower speed. We don’t coast down the hills/ramps, so most of our speed is usually from drops. But catching on something while in the air, and landing on stuff that isn’t flat can do the same damage to unicyclists as those guys.
So if you have a brain, hopefully you’ll put a helmet around it before you practice the big moves.
Yes, I almost stopped watching in the middle, as those were some nasty, nasty crashes! The guy with the backwards arm was just seeing it. I think it’s a natural reaction to try to fix it before it “gets worse.” I’m sure it took a few more seconds to really start hurting. The reason I watched it all the way through was because I intended to comment here, so I didn’t want to miss something people might have been talking about.
Uhh, I can handle blood and guts every where, but dislocated body parts make me wanto hurl!
I was kind of funny when that guy landed on his board wrong, and it poped up and nailed him in the face! It wasn’t funny that he got hurt; his dumb luck is funny.
Pretty easy now, they can just pick it up off the sidwalk.
So what’s worse than a movie that’s shows why to wear protectors?
Well have a look at this movie!
In other words, if you survife AND end in a wheelchair, you still can go to woodward.
that link doesn’t work. I got this error message:
XML Parsing Error: mismatched tag. Expected: </img>.
Line Number 185, Column 191:
That was AWSOME and inspirational! Thanks for posting it!
that made me sick…
If you want some more, check out the flick called Murderball. It’s about the USA quadriplegic rugby team and their antics on and off the court. Not only is it inspirational but it’s also funny in some parts and tear-jerking in others. It’s a real intimate (and I mean intimate) look at life as a “quad”. It definitely changed my view of handicapped people…
If you get the chance, get the DVD and check out the special features. Some of the Jackass dudes hang out with the team and, well, you can probably guess what happens next… wheelchair jousting, wheelchair diving, and more.
it weird cuz i just saw that movie earlier today on a BMX forum! there is a lot of the same threads.
thats messed up… i just ate.
The guy in the end what was bleeding on his head died.
That’s what I know.
Very disgusting movie.
how do you know?