This is weird! (math thing)

It recently occured to me that only the number 2, either added to itself or multiplied by itself, yields the exact same number. So in this case, there is ZERO difference between adding or multiplying. Does this happen with any other number? :thinking:

2+2=4 (but of course 1+1=2 and 1x1=1. 2+3=5, and 2x3=6, and so on.)

There is another number. You mentioned it in your post.

Zero and infinite both do the same thing, though they aren’t really numbers.

Zero is a number.

Yeah, I was told they were abstract concepts.


Yoopers is zero really a number? I was always taught it wasn’t anything, but an abstract concept used to represent nothing at all.

Zero is a lack of number/quantity, much like black is an absence of color.

I figured someone might mention zero, but to clarify, it’s 1 and over, lol.

eh, zero is definitely a number guys…

infinite is the concept.

There are actually several different values of infinite.

That’s the old argument that “nothing” is something. Forget zero! 1 or more please.:smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: :sunglasses:

A number means there is something there, like say 1 book. If there are 0 books there is no books at all. So how can the lack of something be represented by something? I’m pretty sure it is not a number.

there are imaginary numbers that equal the same if you add them or multiply them.

If i have six classes with zero zero’s how many zero’s do i have?

By this logic, wouldn’t negative numbers also not be numbers?

Zorro! I mean zero.

The question is moot and irrelevent. :sunglasses: Yes, we have no bananas!:stuck_out_tongue: If I have no money, how much money do I have? Lol! 1 or more is the question. Forget zero haha.

I was told they are technically not, my school is dumb ass sh*t though. I just go by what I have been told.

haha they are called negative NUMBERS

yeah, by saying there are zero bananas, that means that there are no bananas. i would say that would make it qualify as a number.

0 is a limit and can therefore be represented by a number.

neg 1 or negative whatever is not a quantity, but rather a *lack" of quantity. If my checkbook is overdrawn $10, then that is a negative amount, and not an actual quanity. It only represents what is missing, not what is tangibly there.

technically all numbers don’t exist, they are just abstract ideas used to quantify.