This is pretty funny!



Wy funny, say you? Extreme uni of me very same. Ill repute to you, boy of small staure.

Got someone ticked on the other side of the world :wink:

hehehe hahaha ha!! that is great!

what the crap

torker cxs are better then those suns!!!

edit: thats funny anyway

Put hand on head and shakes head

Is that head shaking about me or the unicycle?

the pointless thred

meh its not thaaaat pointless… I mean its kinda humerous.

thats the point if JC is to make funny threads and what not, its not pointless, its funny, get your panties out of a bundle…


I don’t think this thread is pointless. if you want pointless, do a search for Logan_A.

anyway, that is pretty funny. Torker’s are waaay better than that POS.

…old Logan A…bringin’ back bad memories…

my brothers name is Logan Alan Meneely, so thats kinda cool.


This has to be the best insult on these boards for some time.

Great writings, Thanh-uni, your wordings have fun effects on my smile!

get over yourself.