Have you answered any of those polls over in Rec.Sport.Unicycling?
If “yes”, howcome?
If “no”, why the hell not?
Answer choices:
A) Apathy.
B) Because.
C) 'Cause.
D) Don’t know.
Have you answered any of those polls over in Rec.Sport.Unicycling?
If “yes”, howcome?
If “no”, why the hell not?
Answer choices:
A) Apathy.
B) Because.
C) 'Cause.
D) Don’t know.
I voted in the Clean, Dirty, or Asterisked t-shirt poll because that poll actually had a purpose. Almost all the other polls that get posted are rather useless and I’ve probably voted in one or two of them.
A well done poll with a purpose is good. All the rest of them are just a waste of bandwidth and a waste of time for everyone else on RSU.
I think that the people who post the polls are actually wondering something, so just being courteous I always vote.
when a poll asks a question relevant to my frame of reference, i normally answer
when it’s something hard-core technically muni oriented and someone wants to know why suzie cranks her profile for the camera, i just smile, listen for my name and go on my way