This is good... that's bad... it's the best!

As long as you’re playing the wishful thinking game here, thought I’d add some other basic newbie advice:


  • If you're thinking of creating a thread, don't. Somebody has already asked your question, and it's been answered by experienced riders who can write well, but who probably don't feel the need to answer it again.
  • Search more than once. It's there, but sometimes you have to play around with your search terms.
  • If you don't have anything to add to a thread, don't add.
  • If you were thinking of creating a poll, don't do that either.
  • If you want to ask what's "the best" or "your favorite", try adding a bit more detail, such as "the best for Trials riding" or "your favorite performer/competitor/Trials rider/Street rider/forum personality, etc.
  • Use your time here as a free opportunity to improve your writing skills. You'll get advice on that whether you asked for it or not. :) [/LIST]

    Yes but isn’t this Just Conversation, where anything goes? Including unicycle talk if someone wants to waste it? If it were a serious request, i.e. one where a change was expected, it would indeed be in the wrong forum.

  • Holy smokes! Maestro8 and johnfoss posting in the same thread?! You know what this means!

    Battle to the death about correcting people!

    Only two because for the six last posts:(

    Correctly or incorrectly?


    This was a good bump, if only because it reminded us of how different this forum could’ve been if more people had taken maestro’s suggestion seriously.

    Never too late to start, is it?

    yep it probably is… becuase I cannot be bothered to explain everything I say, because it would get tedious, because you would all get bored, because of all this tedious explanation because Maestro said so. Feel free to explain after that :smiley:

    and just for fun I went back to maestros first post and read it all with out reading the becauses… just shows how bored I am right now.

    It gets tedious to explain what you say?
    When you do so strictly and exclusively for public consumption?

    That is a regrettable level of selfishness.

    It gets tedious to explain what you say?
    When you do so strictly and exclusively for public consumption?

    That is a regrettable level of selfishness.

    No, I was on about explaining everything, like the explanation I had just given. Thus the becuase, because, because…

    Oh and I was joking too, I do usually explain what I am on about.

    You can’t explain your non-explanation, that ruins the joke!!?!

    All this explanation has confused me. I preferred it where it was simple to read and understand, why do we need explanations, I’m only human :thinking:


    I’m slowly getting used to it, you see?

    i don’t like this thread


    maestro is a cranky pms’ing boitch. someone get the man a heatpack!!!

    I’m just wondering why there isn’t a “maestrohate” tag affixed to this thread.

    EDIT: Because there normally is on such threads.

    Both my parents are… does that need any greater depth of explanation?

    A frivolous thread with a serious point.

    How many times have you read the question, “What unicycle should I get?” and every answer has basically been, “Get one like mine”?

    So a guy posts and says “I am 6’13” and I want to ride easy forest trails and eat cow pie…" and an India rubber 14 year old advises him to get an Onza Trials.

    Then someone else says, “I’m small and grumpy, and my six brothers of similar stature and I would like to form a unicycle display team to supplement our meagre earnings from the diamond mine…” and “Mr. I’ve got a new Coker” says “Get a Coker.”

    If he’s feeling particularly helpful, he will add the word, “each”.

    The world would be a better place if people always read the question, and explained the answer.

    However, when there’s a general election, the posters in the windows round here say “Vote Labour” or “Vote Conservative” and never explain why this would be a good idea. Politicians know a thing or two: people like simplicity and certainty.

    So I think the original post was a good idea but it won’t work because people are generally lazy.

    Probably because he’s making a legitimate point.

    Also, Because is a good Beatles song.

    Thanks for pointing that out! I’ve added the tag for completeness.

    I was going to post a witty response but then I’d have to think up something clever. And then I’d have to type it. Forget about it. I’m having a beer instead.

    Yes, but let’s not get too carried away explaining your point, mmmkay? Think of the kids here! Have some consideration! Write more than a few words and you risk being admonished thusly:

    ^^^ That one’s a classic. It was really hard for me to find, too.

    Yes, a classic indeed. I shudder to think how long these kids go with their brains switched off. Like a chicken with no head, just running around bumping into threads.

    I’m curious to see how long these chickens will run.