This is good... that's bad... it's the best!

Is it really difficult? Would it even hurt? … to put the word “because” and a little explanation after stating your opinion on a subject, or after answering a question?

I’ve read too many posts that read “Joe Schmoe’s pedals are the best” or “Uncle Bob’s tires suck” and nothing more. How is the opinion of a nameless stranger halfway around the planet going to help someone who is looking for information? It isn’t!

I challenge each and every one of you to include the word “because” in any post that’s replying to a question. You don’t even have to spell “because” correctly! Just explain yourself: why is your answer yes or no, or “other”? This forum could be a much better place for people to get their information with a few more “becauses”.

Before clicking “Submit Reply” just check your post… is there a “because” somewhere? It’s that easy.

Thanks for your consideration.

This is a good idea.


But in all seriousness, everyone should take this into consideration when they post because the forums just keep getting filled up with fluff. If I am viewing 15 posts per page, I’d rather not just see “good point.” and “your rong”.

I agree… beacuse I think this “because” rule would be a way for more information to be shared.

i was wondering about that…i feel that if you have an opinion but won’t defend it, that you might as well not have one…because w/o evidence an argument is worthless

I think no-one will take any notice of this because they’ll think it’s too much work. It would require thought after the initial thought. That’s way too much thinking for most of the monkeys on here.


Joe Schmoe’s pedals are the best because all the rest suck. Uncle Bob’s tires suck because anything you could buy would be better.

Joe Schmoe’s pedals are the best because they’re all I’ve ever tried.

This thread sucks.


You win the medal for this thread, sugarloafur! Woo hoo! :smiley:

to quote god, “because, im god! you tit”

Why is it always the monkeys?


Because Joe Shmo’s pedals suck, most likely

Hey, not so fast there, Maestro dear. :wink:

I suppose one has to pick one’s battles, but as long as we’re discussing improving the standards of our posts, let’s not let folks off the hook for spelling correctly.


One item of business at a time, I say!
Spelling is certainly of utmost importance, but clarity of meaning is first in my book. For example, if someone says “jo schmos peddles are the best becuz …” and give a detailed list explaining what makes Joe Schmoe’s pedals the best, that would be better than a post that says, “Joe Schmoe’s pedals are the best.” and nothing following it, BECAUSE the latter no real information, whereas the former will most likely answer the original poster’s question.

Your post gave me warm fuzzies. Thank you for helping me fight the good fight!

Buncha noobs here foulin’ up the intertubes.

Bump for good measure.

I’ll go with, “It’s the best because it’s the only thing I’ve ever used, and I don’t have anything to compare it to.”

Shouldn’t this be posted in Requests, Questions, and Bugs on this site because it’s a request to better the site?