I hardly know anything about guitars but my dads got 2 acoustics and 1 electric. It just seemed to come into my head after listening to a few songs. I want to play my favourite songs like “smells like teen spirits” and others. So where do I start.
Can I use websites to help me? Tutorials?
Any other suggestions or information appreciated.
Ask your dad.
Not a unicycle forum.
Always use the right tool for the job
look for “tabs” takes about a day to get the hang of but from that you can learn pretty much any song
Just practice.
Start with just learning how to read tabs or notes, then get used to that, learn chords, simple songs, different picking styles, and just take it where ever you want.
This is JC. And I know there are some guitarists on the forums so why not? =]
As you already know a guitar player who owns a guitar, play him the song and ask him to show you how to play it. It is very simple to play, you will be able to play he riff along to the song in a matter of minutes. Simple.
www.ultimate-guitar.com amazing site, i use it all the time but i try to work stuff out myself but yeah you should talk to your dad he sounds like hes pretty serious
Go for it. Use youtube for tutorials. You can find a lot there.
Smells like teen spirit is actually a sorta simple song, just 4 chords.
there are plenty of videos on youtube that go in depth with anything from reading tabs, to playing different scales, to different techniques. Talk to your dad about learning guitar, i’m sure he’d be willing to help you out.
With the electric guitar, there’s really two modes of being:
Training: Learning whatever you think is valuable, songs, chords, techniques, etc. and trying them towards perfection. If you mess up, repeat it. Be meticulous and learn the intricacies allowed by the instrument. Be conscious that you are training and focus on improvement.
Playing: Playing whatever you feel is valuable, single notes, songs you like, scales that stick in your ear, etc. and playing them towards fluidity. If you mess up, keep playing. Always roll as fast or loud as you want to and ignore the mistakes, they’re not important. Play what you like to regardless of skill and let out your expression in any shape or condition it takes. The expression is the more important aspect here.
When you’re training, train. When you’re playing play. Know the difference.
(The analogy might be boxing: Training to fight and fighting.)
nirvana is awesome but very simple bass and guitar it’s a good song to learn on just get a distortion ped you will have lodes of fun!!
bass guitar for nirvana is groovy.
ya I know curt cobain is or was awsome!! and i play like all his bass stuff !
kurt didnt play bass… i thought? eh, i’ll just call my friend whos a nirvana nut.
yup he played a green lefty bass
Krist Novoselic played bass for Nirvana, Kurt played guitar, David played drums.
yes on the recordings but live kurt played the bass I phoned him and ask
but I think your right that he played the guitar but he rote most of the bass lines I think but I mite be wrong
i knew i was right. I even called my friend.
Krist played a few different Gibson basses, ranging from G3’s, to Grabbers, to Rippers. (all around the same, just the heads are slightly different, and the pickups might be different)
he played some others, but i love gibson basses.
My Dad showed me 3 of the main chords last night which was the Basic G, C and D. So now I’m learning them, and transitioning from them consistently. Then I think I will learn A and chord F. =] Getting there.
Yes it is. JC knows all, and never sleeps.
cool. when your fingers get strong enough, learn B chord (the full bar chord one).
Bar chords pretty fun in my opinion, they just require a bit of finger strength. (you use your index finger to hold down all the strings, then form the rest of the chord with the other fingers)
I’m one of those people that plays pretty good, can form all chords, and can play sorta fast, but i dont go into the letters of each fret. I dont care for that knowledge. BUT, i do know the note of every chord that involves low e.