Things We Do On The Unicycle

Who said anything about coddling their minds? That’s preposterous; no one is saying that we should do so.
What you seem to be saying is that you would be willing to deliberately be an unfriendly, rude, uncaring grump simply so that you could “open their eyes” to reality.
Why deliberately give someone a bad experience? I suppose we shouldn’t have given relief to disaster struck Haitians over the past few years, so that they could learn what “reality” is like, and learn how to fend for themselves?
Or… is it possible that they deserved help, and a friendly hand?

Unicycle multitasking.

I listened to books on tape while riding this winter. When the weather gets nicer I ride in areas that need more concentration.

I once had a deep thought while riding my unicycle, but I forgot it as soon as I had a UPD


I think the better question is: What DON’T we do on the unicycle?

I eat, drink, read, text, walk the dog, play ocarina/guitar/handwhistle, fold origami, sketch my surroundings, etc, but I haven’t yet figured out a way to sleep while riding.

I’m just being me.

Yeah, Maestro don’t need no motivation for no thing :wink:

Also, it’s good to see him continuing the series of pointy-haired avatars.

I’m a barista by trade, and have my own pitch on a little high street, I make an awesome latte on the unicycle, I’m currently trying to make a picture of a unicycle on top of a latte, when I have done it pics will be up