Things We Do On The Unicycle

Most everyone thinks of juggling as something to do while unicycling, but what else do people do? I’ve heard of people that play violin and ride a unicycle, but do they do it at the same time? Anyone play in musical instruments, or do anything else while riding a unicycle?

I walk the dog on my uni everyday…

I solve Rubiks Cube’s while idling.

Also eating is ton’s of fun. You can hold a hot dog in one hand, and a soda in the other!!
Or reading on the uni is very amusing, but I wouldn’t advise it if you’re riding around town.

Oh, and I remember someone on here practicing a strait-jacket escape act while idling.

Doing stuff while on uni is cool…

I regularly drink, eat and use my mobile (cell) on my uni.

When I was riding with some mates who were on bikes in town, i stopped to get a sandwich from a shop (ham and mustard if I remember correctly), and one of them got a mars bar. He finished the mars, and were waiting for me. I said, what are you waiting for? And rode with a can of coke in one hand and the sandwich in the other. They laughed then followed… They thought it was cool, and even told me…

Argh… The endless possibilities of things to do on a unicycle… :roll_eyes:

I also remember at BUC11, someone who will remain nameless for personal safety reasons, from TCUC, had a bit to drink while we were in the video room watching some of Yoggi’s movies, and we had this convo… You just dont want to know…!


I think about politics while riding. :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

As soon as I learn how to play violin well, i’ll be doing that while riding : )

I’ve drank, and probably ate, talked on the cell phone, given people high fives, hehe, caught stuff like basketballs, and maybe a football or two, and juggled flaming knives… ok, maybe not that.


maybe ride blind folded?:smiley:

Max Dingemans once did an entire standard skills or freestyle routine (I can’t remember which) at NAUCC blindfolded. It was one of the most impressive things I’ve ever seen.

Caught/threw a frisbee with some guys on campus.

I’ve been thinking about getting a busking license and playing the stand-up bass while riding my uni. I think that’d draw a lot of attention =P

Things to do on a unicycle. Most important be on it. Trips to local Home Depot, come back carrying 2 X 4’s. Return from K’mart or equivalent with 5, 2 liters of soda or a big big bag of something. Go to grocery store and come back with a gallon of milk in each hand. Go to the local library and carry home ten books. When waiting at stop signs practice doing still stands, hop up and down, do 360’s and basically just show off to the passing cars. Take a 2 gallon container of gas back from the local gas station for your lawn mower. Respond to every kid that you go by, that asks for a bunny hop, with a bunny hop. Try to ride the edge of the curb without falling off. Juggle with small bags of stuff from the hardware store. The list goes on and on.
Most important, just ride and make up your own things to do.

That is so important, thanx for posting it.
Occasionally it might get ‘a bit much’, it remains so important that we realise that that interaction may be the first and only time that kid sees a unicyclist.
For the kid to walk away with the impression that all unicyclists are rude grumps is unfair to all the other unicyclists who aren’t.

Why do you hate freedom, GILD? I have a constitutional right to be a rude grump!

Life isn’t fair. To think otherwise is to set yourself up for continuous disappointment. Teach this to kids when they are young and life will be much easier for them.

For what it’s worth, I completely agree with this.
We don’t want kids, or anyone for that matter, to have bad experiences with unicyclists when we can help it. They’re the future, regardless of how cliche it is. If we want to become recognized and less foreign, we need to make a positive impact.

Of course maestro is the first person to reply to gild haha… You flaunt that freedom maestro!

Are you sure?

I’d posit that a chance encounter with a friendly cyclist would quickly fade from one’s memory, whereas a profanity-laced encounter with a half-naked, sweaty, smelly, enraged freak on a cycle would linger in one’s memory for some time.

But that still puts us no closer to gaining respect in the cycle world.

And I will fight to the death for your right to be so.

Just not in front of the children.

Da chillun!

If you think anything we can do will buy respect, you’re sorely mistaken. We’ve had international competitions for years, even our own version of “Tour de France” and we’re still just a bunch of clowns in the public eye.

What do you believe that respect will get us? Where will it get us? $5 and respect will buy you a cup of coffee, that’s about it…

I don’t believe in coddling young minds. The earlier they face reality the better.

I do …

always listen to music and
mostly try to reduce mindtrouble by
concentrating not to loose my breath
while taking the world around me as a natural trialobstacle or
endless singletrack, marathoncourse…etc.

on my uni (s)