So I have this giant dumpster just sitting in my driveway, What should I do with it?
It is completly empty but later today there mite be stuff in it. I only have it for today. I want to do something cool. This is probably my only chance to do something anything with a dumpster. So what should I do. I already think I may juggle on or in it later as part of my movie. But what should I do with it?
Well I guess there are somethings I can’t do with it. Like I can’t fill it with water and dumpster dive:p and I can’t deface it. So what would you do if you had a dumpster?
- Does it have wheels?
- Is there a big hill near your house?
and I can’t move it.
I would uh… put trash in it.
So, did someone just happen to drop it off at your house or is there some purpose for it being there? Does this happen often?
fit as many peoeple as possible inside it and take a picture
I’d get out my geetar and write a folk song about it.
I like that idea…very much so.
Alternatively, fill it with as many unicycles as possible and take a picture.
ha, i had that idea too, but i doubt there are alot of unicycles by him
chill in it… bring in your couch, table, have a huge extention cord and put in a tv, then blast music in there then your neighbours will be like wtf?
If you can get udc to send me all there unicycles in about 1 hour I will do that. I think it would take alot of unicycles. This isn’t actually like a dumpster. It’s a full on trash bin construction companys use.
No we are reduing our roof today so when all the shingles come off they go in there.
fill it with girls and go swimming?
… wouldn’t there have to be water too?
i’m comin over.
A skip, you mean?
I’d put planks on top of it and have a picnic.
That made me laugh ( : bring a mini-fridge, too, and a discoball!
I like the chillin’ Idea. Or ride around the edge and film it. Or fill it with water, I like that idea, but it would be a challenge getting the water out again.