things to curse.

if you are mad and don’t know what to do post here and curse it/them.

ex: things to curse, the MAN :angry: , evil dwarves that invade my dreams :angry: , my ex girlfriend :angry: , and whoever keeps stealing my f***ing Candy!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

There, now You try it:D

Why don’t you just go punch all your friends. It will make you feel better…

because my friends punch back… hard


This dumb thread.

I think (?) you are just being witty.

We’ve had a few of these before.

Perhaps the General complaint thread is more to your liking?

Or how about Phil’s <shakes fist at the sky> “WHY, $DEITY, WHY?” - Generic Rant Thread?

In the “General complaint thread”, munipsycho complained that there were now two place to complain.

So… my witty and not true “complaint” is that we now have THREE places to complain.

My current dislike is numetal/ mall goth kids

im cursing ‘this end up’ because he made a dumb thread :angry:

i curse all of the people who curse me and this thread tonite.:smiley: :smiley:

p.s. sorry Phil:(

especially chosen

I curse people that curse poeple…:wink:

i curse the good for nothing gosh darn stupid administrators who blocked me from checking my email here at school. and if they block me from this site in the future i shall curse them again. i am very mad. i want to check my yahoo mail. :frowning: >:-(


I feel better now :slight_smile:

but i still hate those mean ppl.


<hefts cattle prod>


::curses the fact that he won’t be able to buy a unicycle for another ~2 weeks::




Have you noticed that whenever you see a sign that says, “Road works ahead”, it doesn’t - it’s completely snarled up.

As for “temporary road surface” - what are you meant to do? Drive as fast as possible before it disappears?

Curses: people in general, with a very few (reviewable) exceptions. Does that sound harsh?

People who don’t understand when I’m only joking.

People who don’t understand when I’m being totally serious.

Deep puddles with roots in them.

People who don’t vote, but do complain about the government.

People who put work on my desk, but are always too busy to take some in return.

Bust most of all, that animated paper clip that says, “You seem to be writing a letter…”

No, I don’t want any bl**dy help! And if I did, why would I ask a paperclip when I have a perfectly well educated stapler?

gosh darnet those dumb administrators blocked all chatrooms tooo!!! i am mad reallly reallllly mad.

(i am trying to cut down on my f***ing swearing)


Or two weeks after I started university nearly 50 miles away they shut the road for 2 months. I’m thinking of a simliar witicism but I’m too busy cursing.


[QUOTE=this end up]
gosh darnet those dumb administrators blocked all chatrooms tooo!QUOTE]

Oh no! Much more of that and you’ll have to do some work, just to fill the time. :roll_eyes:

I saw a sign on the M42 the other day that said “Installing Gantrys”. And they wonder why road rage is such a problem with signs written like that…
