OK, this is a 2 part thing. State why something makes no sense, then, part 2 why people do it anyway. I’ll go first because most of you think I make no sense, but will post anyway.
Unicycles. They make no sense because they cost twice as much as a bicycle that has with 3 times as many parts. Can’t go a third as fast even downhill with a tail wind. A back packer can carry more luggage, without crotch pain.
Part 2. The exercise, plus the challenge. Finding a challenging place to ride a unicycle is as easy as finding a unicycle. Try that with a mountain bike in Iowa.
Prune Juice. Plums are a symbol of youth. Full of fresh juice and vigor, like that girl is plum and ready.
But old wrinkly girls are fed prune juice. How is that even possible ? Why not raisin juice or beef jerky juice?
Part 2 Apparently, you can squeeze something old, dried out and wrinkly enough to fill a brown bottle with juice. They won’t card you to make sure you are 75 when you buy it. I don’t know why.
I think your logic was better on the first one, though I disagree with the main premise of unicycles not making sense. I think the core reason many of us originally did it was because it seemed impossible. Conquering the impossible always makes sense!
New subject: Astrology
The date and time of your birth tell everything about your personality and stuff. Positions of planets have a direct effect on this. Like the gravity of Jupiter somehow overpowers the gravity of the sun (and the Earth) and its location at that moment sets your personality like drying cement. Also, that people believe this stuff, even though there is no proof of any degree of accuracy. Most newspapers set aside a section in them for the daily horoscope, which is made up nonsense. Some people make major life decisions based on what an astrologer tells them, even though it has no basis in fact, or can stand up to after-the-fact proof.
Part 2:
People are stupid.
Okay, let’s give people a little more credit. People can be talked into believing almost anything. Like Astrology (usually my answer when talking about people believing in other nonsense).
Okay, let’s give people a little more credit, not that they deserve it. We like to think there’s a place we can go that explains who we are, and possibly what our future is supposed to be. At least when it sounds good. That’s why astrologers and fortune tellers generally only make a good living at it if they offer lots of positive feedback and predictions.
Continuing to mine fossil fuels makes no sense. The effect on the planet of continuing to burn them is established beyond any reasonable doubt. The costs of mitigating those effects far exceed the cost of changing to non-polluting sources and the sooner we change the less it will cost. All the economic modelling shows our economies would flourish in the new energy technology boom.
The prices of fossil fuels are plummeting due to the difference between supply and demand and mining companies are going to the wall because they can’t make profit. The cost of solar energy has still fallen below the cost of fossil fuel sourced energy.
Pollution and honorific destructive accidents from the production and transport of fossil fuels are regular occurrences and accelerating in both frequency and scale.
Yet companies continue to explore and apply to open new mines and oil fields. Governments approve those applications. People continue to vote for those governments.
Much of the reason they all do it is Cognitive Dissonance. They are unable to accept the facts laid out plainly in front of them and make a rational decision because the reality is so different from their long held perceptions of the world.
When it comes to the politicians this dissonance is enhanced by rampant corruption. Many have been bought by fossil fuel company executives. Both politicians and the general public have been fed a constant stream of lies by fossil fuel companies that, while in pursuit of their short term profits, claim that we would be sent back to the stone age if we tried to live without fossil fuels.
The opportunities lost every day that we continue to be blinded to this truth will be the greatest tragedy in the history of mankind.
Manicurists. This is a profession that makes no sense. Every man I know spends a minute/month to clip his nails. Done.
Part 2 Woman go to the manicurist to burn the ears off of someone about the man in their life they want to cure. Their girl friends are all burnt out and only a passive Korean who nods knowingly helps. That will be 100 dollar please.
I remember seeing that a while back, and immediately realizing it had to be nonsense. Why spiders? Why not ants? Those little tiny ones you might not notice? Well, maybe they weren’t included in the survey…
I’ve been reading Feel The Light’s stuff for a long time now. Based on that experience, the only problem I had with that funny post was more background about if he actually was on, or auditioning for, the Jerry Springer Show.
New one: A pile of decorative pillows on the bed
They aren’t good for sleeping on, and they have to be moved twice a day if you’re a bed-maker
Part 2: Can’t we just make the “real” pillows pretty and still use them for sleeping? C’mon!
It’s a gadget that you wear on your wrist that tells you how many beers you’ve drank. Presumably because I have forgot I could just count the cans. Except that my vision is so bad then I can’t see the floor of my car.
So the question is, how many beers would I have to drink before I was dumb enough to drive off wanting to buy this thing? I can’t know, because I haven’t bought it yet. That makes no sense.
Why it would sell anyway. It’s expensive, and you can impress a girl by strapping it to her wrist when you are drinking togather. They love that. It’s useless and thoughtful.
People apparently no longer believe that the sun and solar cycles drive the weather patterns in the world and they, for some reason, believe that changes in carbon dioxide concentrations precede global temperature variations rather than lag them. They seem to have lost sight of the fact that the primary greenhouse gas is, and always has been, water vapor.
To say you understand climate makes no sense. It’s worth trying, but there are so many variables, to say it’s simple just proves you are not trying.
Still, the belief that CO2 from burning fossil fuel is causing a green house effect has some compelling facts. That the last few years have seen melting and warming is kinda factual.
I think that the creation of fossil fuels required the sequestration of carbon by burying half rotted plants over millions of years, to form coal and oil deposits. This appears to have gradually lowered the CO2 level in the air , resulting in an unprecedented series of ice ages over the last million years. The geologic evidence seems to show that we are still in a receding ice age now, while for 100’s of millions of years, before the start of the ice ages only 1 million years ago, the CO2 level in the atmosphere was higher , as was the temperature. The sea level was also much higher. If we increase the CO2 levels in the air by burning fossil fuel, to a level last seen when the sea level was 200 ft. higher, we won’t have any more ice ages for eons. That is a plus, but rising sea levels may cause real issues in a short (100 yrish time span). Young people now might expect to see the sea level rise by 2 or 3 feet in their lifetime.
So why we will do it anyway. People love gas cars and motorcycles. Warning a gear head that when he goes to the beach in 10 years, the sea level will be 2 inches higher, is not going to turn them off of cars. It’s a long slog, solar and wind are making inroads. It will be 100 years from now that we start losing major coastal cities.
Finally, I can stop worrying about human-induced climate change, and start focusing on other problems…like how to avoid unicycling off the edge of the world!
That started climate change. They were before fire. It was the Neanderthals.
Once we learned that fire could scare hyenas at night, make girls take their clothes off, and open shell fish, well, that was it. Civilization was just a hut away.
My only objection to the modern depiction of our ancestors is how we call them Cave Men. Most of them were woman who lived in huts by the river and wanted nothing to do with the nutty old guy who lived in a cave. Even if he was a painter. Seriously, that guy was a nut. It’s not the chicks fault the hut washed away. She was older than Cher by then.