They're getting slightly better...

Today someone on a bike told me he’s got a spare wheel at home if I want it. I think this is much better than the usualy, “Where’s your other wheel?” and so on. They’re slowly improving!


When I go to my first Unatics meet in two weeks (woo hoo!!!), on my ride into Central Park to the bandshell, I am going to carry my 20" while riding my 29. That should sufficiently confuse people. “Hey, where’s your other, uh, um, er…” By that time, I will have whizzed past them.

uni57 (Dave)

Steve DeKoekkoek, Tom Jackson, John Childs and I rode at a skate park today. Lots of skaters doing really cool stuff and three BMX riders. I was trying to seat out jump up onto a grind ledge that was maybe 18" high at the most. One of the bikers was leaning over his handlebars watching as I said, “I’m going to try this without hurting myself”, to which he replied, “then, why don’t you try it on a real bike?”

“>When I go to my first Unatics meet in two weeks (woo hoo!!!), on my ride into Central Park to the bandshell, I am going to carry my 20” while riding my 29. That should sufficiently confuse people. “Hey, where’s your other, uh, um, er…” By that time, I will have whizzed past them. "

the best comment i ever got was while riding a uni and pushing a giraffe
a man i passed interupted his conversation with his friend and said ‘that man needs a welder’

ha ha ha ha ha!

I like it.

I just came home from a ride with M_extreme_uni and we received two smart ass comments about unicycling. The first was the ever popular “wheres your other wheel?” and similar to GILD’s “I’ll get you a welder so you can have a real bike.” But the positive comments and looks out weigh the negatives. People smile at me all the time, they run to watch me do stuff, and tell there friends to hurry up so they can watch me.


The response I most enjoy is being photographed. A few times it’s someone quick enough to take a photo as I pass, but on occasions (last time was while I was going around York city walls) people stop me and ask if they can have a photo.

I enjoy that…


I got a “that’s a sport and a half” comment. Kind of cool, wish I was on uni.5 at the time though. :slight_smile:

Wheres your other wheel?

I dont know, y dont you check up your @$$!
Never had the guts to say that one.

Thought id bring it up.

They usually mean well when they ask where your other wheel is. They just think they’re making a really clever and original comment. I’ve only ever had good comments. Someone took a photo of me once at a community fun ride…that was fun.
