The first sign I’ve seen that actually applies to unicycles…
Doesn’t mean I won’t ride the trail, though.
go for rollerskates,get some big wheels.
Would this include stilts?
Re: They got me!
I found a sign here in Colorado that stated: “NO WHEELED TRAFFIC”… I guess they saw me coming. shucks.
If my memory serves me well, I think it was a sign at the Hanging Lake trailhead in Glenwood Canyon. If I’m back that way anytime soon, I’ll check again.
Time to start pogosticking
Re: They got me!
It depends on how they define mechanized. It may just mean motorized vehicles. It could also mean humans, shoes, or many other things depending on how you define mechanized.
I once got stopped at my former elementary school. At first I thought the teacher was going to point to the no bicycling sign, but she quickly realized that wouldn’t work, so she went for the No Trespassing instead. Dang, teachers are smart.
Re: Re: They got me!
doesn’t it also depend on why they bothered to put up the sign in the first place?
sorry to sound like the resident weirdo here, but if there is a sound reason to limit ‘mechanised’ access to the trail, would u consider respecting that?
I think the reason they put the sign up was to keep people from eroding the path into nothingness, and also to keep bicyclists and motorcyclists from killing themselves (it’s quite steep with many switchbacks).
Personally, I don’t think my unicycle causes any more erosion than the foot travel on that trail (I could be wrong…) The other reason I don’t think applies to me because the trail isn’t too bad for unicycling because of the speed factor. I’ve ridden much worse.
Am I a bad person for wanting to break the rules?
You are a normal person for wanting to break the rules. You are a bad person if you actually DO break the rules. Unless it was a silly rule…
There’s a sign, or rather a sticker, on all the doors at the Yolo County Fair Mall, my mall, that says, “No Skateboards, bicycles, rollerskates, blah blah blah.” And this security dude busted me when I was walking around in the mall carrying my unicycle. And he told me I couldn’t have it in the mall, and I was like, “since when?” and he took me to the sign and he told me “didn’t you read this?” And I said, “yeah, but it doesn’t say anything about unicycles,” and he friggin’ point to the bicycle word… that was it, he crossed the line, he pissed me off more than anything or anyone. I went off on his ass, HAH! damn rent-a-cops. But after that I left peacefully, just to go around on my uni and go into TARGET and walk past him with ease, so to that rent-a-cop I say this, “BLOW!” HAHAHAHAH!!!