There is only one Main Man, and today is his birthday!

sounds good I’m pretty excited for the bridge pedal. I may have a unicycle problem though, my crank bolt came loose today and my crank almost fell off, I’m hoping it just unscrewed itself and isn’t stripped, I especially hop my hub is ok.

One of the places we visited was a mural painted in an underpass near the Woodland Park Zoo. The mural got tagged with graffiti recently. The result of some miscommunication with the city resulted in the city cleaning up the graffiti by painting over the mural with solid gray paint. The neighborhood and the zoo were not amused. To the rescue came Surface Cleaning Technologies who have a special power washing process that removed the gray paint while not harming the mural underneath. Amazing.

I had read about the mural in the news and wanted to find out where it was. One of the goals of the ride was a quest to find that mural. Other goals of the ride were to consume espresso and gelato.

There are pictures of us at the mural in Tom’s gallery of the ride.

Here’s some local news stories about the mural snafu:

British spray-washing method may restore Seattle zoo mural painted over by mistake

Neighbors mourn mural creatures’ extinction

Crews wash away coat of gray from mural near zoo

omg, ive been out of it for awile.

Tom and John are all salt & pepper and Greg chopped the locks of love.


Ponytail Greg no longer exists. He has even removed all the pictures of Ponytail Greg from his home. We are left to wonder if that Greg even existed at all or just in our imagination.

We’ll always have that picture.

I wore that picture this past weekend for the first time in quite a while. My wife pretended not to notice while my daughter rolled her eyes and scoffed. Some guy at the donut shop seemed to miss the point entirely but did ask animatedly if I rode a unicycle. I lied and said I did.

Next time point to the shirt and say, “no, I just pose with them.”

Yesterday there were a couple of girls asking for some of the tattoos that Rhysling had made. I brought another few of them in to work for them. They do love me so. But they laughed when they saw them. I wonder what that meant.

Last I checked, JC was still 41. Happy Birthday, my main man.

We still have a few of those lying around here somewhere, Greg. They’ll become valuable when you pass on.

I’m planning on the 8 bridge ride at 24 miles. The 10/11 bridge ride is 37 miles. Unicycle rides stop being fun at about the 30 mile mark for me. The 24 mile option keeps the ride fun the entire time for me rather than wishing it was over for the last 7 miles.[/
I will do the 37 mile option with anyone interested in blazing through that one. I’m trying to get my son to come along as well. He’s 14, and a solid rider, but his view on long rides mirrors JC’s. Perhaps we all do the 8 bridge ride until whenever the 11 bridge riders have to split, then JC and Miles can go find the perfect espresso, ale, and pasta emporium for all of us when the longer ride is finished.

Who else do we have on this? Probably we should start a unique thread.

probably should start our own thread for this, but I’m in for the 8 bridge ride until the 11 bridge riders need to split and I’ll do all 11 bridges.

A belated happy birthday JC!!!