Google the word “Illuminati”, and you’ll find tons of info on such topics. A new world order is definately on the way. It’s only a matter of time. Freemasonry is certainly a part of it, as are most religions. Money was created to facilitate this goal. Credit cards and debit cards are also a part of it. Many of the things we see on TV, read in books and mags, and hear in popular music, is designed to condition us for the changes ahead.
Many cultures have prophecies that say that this will happen. If you are faithless, or if all your faith lies in modern science, or any of man’s organizations, then you may want to re-evaluate your position. We’re all gonna need more strength than we now possess to endure the tribulations ahead.
You’re right. That’s why you read through lots of info, find the most credible sources, scrutinize the data, and try your best to determine how “truthful” it is. Much of what we read about in terms of UFO’s is probably bogus, but I’m willing to bet there’s some truth. If you read about the Illuminati, and other secret societies, you’ll likely find enough evidence to show that there is truth of their existence. Conspiracy theories and the like wouldn’t be if there wasn’t some reason to believe in their existence. And besides, take a look at the state of the world today. Is there not enough evidence yet for the common man to see that something is not right, and that there are powers that are aiming to meet their own agenda and interest?
Start doing your own research on things. You may start to believe in things that didn’t seem true before.
I recently heard a pronouncement on a religious program broadcast on SATV that the word ‘kingdom’ (as in kingdom of god) simply means ‘government’.
The coming ‘kingdom of god’ could therefore simply be a theocratic perversion of modern goverment as we know it.
And some countries aren’t too far off that as we speak.
While we’re googling, have a crack at ‘american taliban’.
If that doesn’t turn you atheist, nothing will.
Mike, my dad always taught me that the sun never set on the British Empire because you can’t trust the blighters in the dark.