Here’s some light reading.
Tinfoil hats required.
Here’s some light reading.
Tinfoil hats required.
it already started…about 100 years ago, maybe more…ask a free masion for details.
That was easy… I only had to read the first sentence of the paper to realize it’s full of crap:
I was reading this one thread about coincidences, and of course, that brought up the Lincoln/Kennedy “similarities”, which brought up the snopes article, the gist of which being people were trying to hard to look for obscure similarities, and overplaying them, and underplaying all the other surrounding facts that made the “coincidences” pretty much unimportant/plain wrong…
That article kept surfacing in my mind as I read that
I agree with monkeyman.
I strongly dislike those sites.
Mix in your own agenda with radical viewpoints add a dash of religion; mix with some truth and them vomit it onto the internet. The atheist loves the combo!
On one side you have the atheists pointing out the “nuttiness” of the Bible’s message and them you have the scared conspiracy theorist promoting their agenda from the Bible.
/Ends rant/
You’ll have to explain the “Tinfoil hats required.”
It has something to do with preventing your mind from being read (mind readers) but I don’t know what it has to do with the ‘article’.
The link points to a page that tells about an article, and kind of warns/dares you to read it. Usually stuff that starts out like that is either bad advertising or bad attempts to convince people of other stuff. I didn’t bother. That intro put me off completely. REAL news, REAL information can be told without a separate page to preface it.
Tinfoil hats are “supposed” to protect from mind control rays ( ), and by “wearing” one, you “protect” yourself from the propaganda of sites that are designed to convince you of something.
Hopefuly, you’ve figured out that it’s an expression and that GILD doesn’t really think that.
…you dont, do you Dave?
I don’t know Alex, can you hear that buzzing sound?
Seriously tho, yeah, ‘tinfoil hats’ is an expression that’s generally used to indicate ‘Extreme Views Ahead’.
Which is a nice way of saying things like ‘ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!!?!’.
see i really dont beleive it the vision that john had of revalations was nothing of the future no cars or anything the ppl were still cutting the wheat with scythes ( which i know is still done but not in isreal) and ppl are moving around by horse and cart where is the unicycles and cars and stuff ( well thats my belief and sorry to anyone i offended:)
This isn’t the same New World Order that I’m familiar with. There is obviously more than one New World Order.
New World Order == KOOKS (Keepers Of Odd Knowledge)
Executive summary:
It would be the end of the world if Sundays became official national holidays in the US.
No, my tinfoil hat is blocking it
Ah yes.
Here’s a picture of your typical radio personality:
I havent read it but I prefer to believe in new world disorder:)
It was titled "ZOMFG ITS TEH MIND CONTROL !!! "
Wait, wait! It can’t be true. I’ve found a mistake in it.
<<from his time until the end of time, the world would witness only four world empires. History has proven what God preordained: The four world empires were, Babylon (605 BC-538 BC), Medo-Persia (538 BC-331 BC), Greece (331 BC-168 BC), and Rome (168 BC-476 AD). >>
Er… the British Empire included at one time Australia and much of North America - on continents not even known to the Romans or Greeks. At one time it was said that the sun never set on the British Empire, because we had territory in every sector of longitude. (I’m not sure this was literally true.)
I also wonder whether the Chinese or Japanese would regard the Romans as having had a world empire.
Then of course, there was the Mongol Empire.
Do you think these well-meaning divinely-inspired people should be told?