maybe bush but probably not all americans
You know, I started laughing when i saw that…and i realized that there are people over ten who actually think like that…then I stopped laughing
That’s really funny, in a creepy sort of way. There’s a couple of things not on the map.
First off, there’s that place where Crocodile Dundee comes from. What’s it called again? And New Zealand. That’s where Lord of the Rings was filmed. Wherever it is. I took a poll a couple years back and over half the people wanted to go to New Zealand on vacation.
And you forgot those commies in France. We know about (and dislike) the cheese eating surrender monkeys.
Besides, it’s not about the Commies anymore. We beat them, because we’re obviously superior. Now it’s about the terrorists. They live in the desert.
Haha, oh wow, I didn’t see THAT one coming.
you’re missing oil-land over there. it’s by here-be-turbans.
Like all good humour it is loosely based on truth or stereotypes.
One could make a similar humourous map for the EU, Asia, the Middle East, and other areas. You can always find humour in political and cultural stereotypes for different regions.
A map of the Middle East like that would be funny.
my history teacher has that on his wall…it is pretty funny. only slightly exagerrated.
Where’s Madagascar, lemur-boy?
dragons riding munis…
i’d be one of them… (o:
crazy country that one… |o:
WTF OMG LOL BBQ! It’s, like, in the video shop, innit!
Yes, I’d say the map is a little outdated. Replace the fear of commies with fear of terrorists. Add “Eye-Rack” and “Eye-Ran,” with lots of oil wells.
And maybe several big funnels with US dollars being poured down them.
Oh, and the map needs a little island called “China” where Japan belongs.
Yeah. Where else are we going to get Ninjas?
that is sooooooo wrong! im offended!..there are kangaroos in australia you know!
There are no kangaroos in Africa. And Russia isn’t considered terrorists… they’re just still body snatching commies.
America according to the World.
The world map seems pretty accurate, but the part with the US wasn’t detailed enough.
Again, where’s Madagascar, lemur-boy?
HEre you go Harper! Happy now?
the yelow dot is Sweden