The Why-Do-I-Suck Thread!

I asked Owen (iridemymuni) why I suck at unicycling. He says it’s because I’m a girl (which prompted me to run off to my room and cry into my pillow. Shame on you Owen!).

I’ve been unicycling for 3 years and started learning stuff beyond riding and idling a year back. I should have a solid enough foundation to be crankflippin’ and unispinnin’ like nobody’s business right??? BUT YET I"M NOT. I can barely 180 unispin, can’t hop properly and I’m still falling (pun unintended) prey to ridiculous UPDs.

So, why do I suck? I can’t think of any good reason really. I do consider myself to be sort of athletic. Heck, I’ve even won stuff for High Jump while in school so I should be ok at hops right? And yes, I ride regularly - like 10 hours a week these days since I’m so free.

Any idea?

i told you Jiahui, it’s because your a girl.

I so am NOT! I mean, I am but that’s not the reason! YOU"RE CONFUSING ME DAMMIT!

You have a mental block?
any-how if your not a girl don’t listen to owen lol

Just gotta keep practicing. If you don’t constantly work at stuff, you won’t be able to do it. Not many people I know can up and unicycle. It takes work, just like pulling 180s 360s hops and everything else.

Its not cause you are a girl. Hell, I saw one video on you tube ( with a chick balancing her uni on a chain. Yes, you read that right. She was balancing her uni on a chain, and she wasn’t idling either. Just because you don’t have the parts and strength as a guy doesn’t mean you can’t do some awesome sh*t! Get out there and learn those tricks, and then you can get Owen to eat out of your hands.

Do you wear safety gear? Like helmet and shinpads? If not, maybe you’re too afraid of falling which consequently makes you fall.

And even if you do wear safety gear fear can still be a significant factor.

I thought thejdw was 13.

That must be Amanda. I envy her stillstand ability.

I was untill 4:01am last tuesday.

Happy Birthday! Did you get any presents?

Yes what did you get?? :smiley:

Ipod, book and money! :slight_smile:

  • thanks for asking
  • and happy day to you Ivan :wink:

This is it, do u wear shin gaurds?? cuz i sucked then i got shin gaurds and i wasnt scared of anything, and i imperoved like 500X faster… its like magic, its all in ur head.

i suck because there are no stair sets in this gay town

Well there aren’t any stairsets here where i live also. :smiley:

u live in a huge city

Yes, but i live in a small town that’s 1/2 hour driveaway from Sydney. :smiley:

Your too concentrated on Balls. points to your avatar

Who me?

yup that was amanda she’s one of the best riders in my book…

I’m just going to say what everyone else has said, if you don’t have safety gear get it, it helps improve you a lot faster because you are so worried about getting hurt, I’ve been riding about the same amount of time you have and up until 2 years ago I was just riding around and I still can’t idle but, I started riding stairs because, well because they were there and now I can rid down huge sets of them and then I heard about trials and for over 3 months I couldn’t even hop up a 4 inch curb now I’m hopping 24 inches onto tiny 4 inch wide ledges, I didn’t start to improve until I got my leg armor it’s seriously like magic I hate my helmet though… because if I tighten it so it doesn’t flop around then I have a hard time breathing or swallowing, and if i lossen it so I can breathe and swallow then it flops around so I take it off when i’m trying bigger hings or things i’ve never done before (probably not smart, because that’s when Im most likely to screw up and land on my head, but I learn things faster that way)