Has anyone seen The Village? I saw it last night and while I don’t think it was as good as Signs, I liked it alot. I’ve not seen anything else by Shyamalan.
I can’t say much about it without spoiling it completely, but suffice it to say it’s got an interesting twist even if it’s slightly hokey. It’s at least though provoking.
In a constantly overcast world where creepy things happen and unexpected things after that, M. Night Shyamalan brings you another terrible movie. The people are tired of the same old formula and now they want revenge.
I thought it was a very good movie, with superb acting, unexpected turns, and a unbelievable amount of irony. I am not a fan of M.N.S.'s movies and loathe everything he has made up to this film but I give this one a thumbs up. It’s a movie you really have to think back over after you are done watching it. I won’t say anything else, I don’t want to say too much too early.
Hmm, sounds cool. I think ill go see it tomorrow. How come you didnt like it Sam? Not a very original plot? Is it pretty much the same as signs, just different setting and different creatures or what? If nothing else, I want to go see it for the" interesting twist "because from the trailer, it looks like a pretty straight forward story.