I love animals, too.
surely you’d just be glad that they’re saving animals cruelty and death? or is it that you’re annoyed that someone can get in to your social group too easily, that they’re somehow devaluing your social status?
I love animals too, but they’re farmed for a reason.
My brother got married 2 weeks ago and the entire wedding was vegan. By that I mean that everything served there was organic and vegan, even the wedding cake. I believe there were some vegan related vows as well.
All of the food was great.
Here’s something to appreciate: Vegetarians leave more meat for the rest of us to eat!
Ha ha I like that way of looking at it.
I lived with some veggies for a year and in some way I guess it effected me as I eat far less meat these days, mostly as I can’t afford to buy both meat and veg and I try and get my 5 portions thing in every day, but you can make some amazing things without a huge slab of meat.
I would never turn though, I love a good bacon buttie more than anything else.
I have a question for any female veggies out there too.
If you were pregnant and your craving was for meat, which some folk say cravings come from your body needing certain nutrients etc, would you eat meat?
I appreciate vegetarians…they taste great.
Greg, that was so funny soy milk and bean sprouts shot out my nose.
People like you make me want to not even ever try to be veg or vegan.
I have a friend who has been veg for at least 6 years. Last I checked, she still ate fish. Her reasoning is that red meat animals are cooped up their whole lives, stuffed in small overcrowded cages and whatnot. They walk around in their own excrement and trample/peck each other.
Fish on the other hand, live freely, swimming in the ocean. Their lives abruptly end when they are caught. The difference, in her eyes, lies in the treatment of the animal BEFORE it is killed to be eaten.
I’ve toyed with the idea of not eating meat, but I think what it really comes down to is that meat is an inexpensive form of nutrition. Although its true that our bodies do no require meat and that an overconsumption can have negative health effects, meat eaten in moderation has positive health benefits.
As a vegetarian for my entire life (since birth, parents are vegetarian too), I can tell you that meat substitutes are not for fake vegetarians or people who are having trouble adjusting. Meat substitutes are for protein and if they were shaped any different, you’d probably never want to touch as it didn’t even look like food.
Some people don’t like them (whether it’s your case about not liking the shape or just flavor in general) while some people do and make sure they are in their diet.
They are mighty tasty too. Great chili, sloppy joes, tacos, casseroles, BLTs, pasta sauces, and many other delights can be made from them.
Right, how many other animals do you pierce with a sharp hook, make them struggle to exhaustion, then suffocate them to death before you eat them?
Steve, those are only the fish in the wild. The ones being bred in fish farms, in tight quarters, which constantly have to fight for space and survival don’t get pierced with sharp hooks.
peta = nazis.
I’ll respect vegetarians and vegans, but not peta members.
Can you respect some PETA members who may believe in the overall principles but who also disagree on some specifics? Or more to the point, do you consider this a black and white issue with no room for any flexibility?
Oops. Slip of the tongue. Although I do eat a LOT of meat and animal fat, I am indeed an omnivore.
Not sure if I missed something here or not, but what is a desert island with chickens? Could it be a dessert island of chickens? Dessert of fried chicken sounds mighty fine to me.
See above comment.
to go along with their jot.
What the heck are you even talking about? No one who eats beef or poultry is calling themself a vegetarian.
I have been vegetarian for 12 years now. Am I not considered a vegetarian because for the last 2 years I have had shrimp 2 or 3 times?
As was asked before about the craving meat thing. I was craving shrimp, about 2 years ago, which is funny as I hated shrimp my whole life prior to becoming veggie. It was not fantastic or anything, but there must have been something in the little guys my body wanted.
I do not ever crave or miss red meat chicken or any of that sort of meat. I think at first there was a level of compassion I had for animals and did not want to eat them, but as the years have passed by, that is no longer the case. I would eat an animal for sure. Say if it were one I raised on my own farm, or maybe a friends farm, assuming I needed the food, or I could not sell the meat to others. If my family was starving I would hunt deer, turkey, and whatever else are in my area.
What keeps me veggie, is how nasty the meat industry is. I feel comfortable blaming a lot of the worlds health problems, as well as mental problems on the quality of food that many have been stuffing into them their whole life.
The only compromise I make is eating dairy at restaurants. If there is a vegan option I will get that, unless I know the dairy is free range and of my beliefs. Usually neither are an option and I will just eat the dairy anyway. But for my own cooking the dairy is always animal friendly. Typically supporting dairy farms is supporting the meat industry. This is why “some” vegans will try and push vegan ways onto vegetarians. Most simply respect everyone no matter what they choose, as more often than not veggie lovers are not mean cold hearted people.
I said this in the other vegetarian thread:
“I am not a vegetarian because I LOVE animals, I am a vegetarian because I HATE vegetables.”
Nothing gives me more pleasure than cutting a cucumber in half, or strangling a string bean to death.
I agree with you Sam. The meat industries are disgusting…
If I were starving and if it was either my life or their’s, then yes I would eat an animal. But to me, it would feel like canabilisum.