Is it worth it, or should I work on Seat out, so-much-to-learn, so little time…
learn both of 'em!
I find hopping on my non-dominant foot most useful for muni. Sometimes things just dont line up for a dominant foot hop so learning this new skill will allow you to keep your flow.
Do it up!
Hopping with the non dominate foot is as Mango says a great MUni skill because you can’t always line stuff up. It’s easy to practice if you just remember to do so a few minutes each ride. In a week you start feeling much better with it. The seat out skill is a 6 month project to feel okay and probably more like a year or 18 months to really get the whole jump and tuck up to you chin thing down.
DISAGREE! I think it´s waay harder to learn the whole goofy hopping thing than the Seat Out Hop. It was for me anyway, I learned SOIF hopping really fast, but I´m still struggling with the goofy hop hop.
I’m planning on getting better hopping with my non-dominant pedal orientation…after reading about Trip’s success with it. I think it’s a really really useful skill for muni and trials (and probably street, but I don’t have any street experience). Only problem is it’s really difficult! Trip must have been very determined.
It’s a good thing to learn also because when you bend ur cranks from drops, you can bend em back again!
When I was talking about SIF stuff I meant it takes a long time before you can start going 30 to 40 percent higher than you can seat in. I think most people can get up to their seat in heigth (while hopping seat out) in a few weeks, but going way beyond it, like the skilled trials riders go, is a different animal. Also, learning to do seat out drops on Muni trails is a sketchy business at first–or it was–and continues to be–for me.
As to goofy foot hopping, I believe the key is to practice a little bit as often as possible, as opposed to binging at it. Perhaps it came easier to me since I AM goofy footed on a surfboard (right foot forward), and for some reason I learned to hop right foot back. So switching over seemed odd at first but okay after a few weeks.