I actually got it! Finally!! I’m so proud! Totally riding high!
Congrats!!! I wish I could do that!
which one?
i can do a 180 and im so close to a 360
I can’t remember, did you do it three or four times tonight? I only saw one of them, so I don’t really know.
Nice, good for you.
I learned unispins a month ago and im very close to 360’s but I barely get to practice because its so cold and snowy outside.
4 180 unispins. A good day by any measure.
I’m very close to getting mine too.
Congratz, man! Unispins are wicked.
yay for unispins!
best way to kill your shins:D but they look cool!
Congrats to you 2 ivan for cracking the 5000 post and hooray for unispins. The trick a MTB couldn’t do.
I have two problems:
- Metal block
- weather block
well done anyway
I also have these two metal blocks that keep hitting me in the shins! Aluminium with steel pins they are. Metal blocks: can’t live with them, can’t live without them.
Just saw this thread - congrats, man!
He broke his left 661 yesterday…from the feel of it, he snapped the pad thing in half, so he has no more protection right there anymore.
I was there when you did it…but congrats again.
I got 180 unispin couple day ago with my Dodger. I’ll get street uni in monday (or tuesday).
I tried them on my modified doger but the frame killed my feet
Well done Dude …
Why dont you use plastic pedals while learning to unispin thats what i did. Anyone got any tips on roling 180 unispins i cant stop the cranks turning half a rev
uhh dont worry about the rev make it look cooler
That sounds like good advice, but I like to learn the “hard way” with the logic that I can always do it the easy way later. Like learning to drive stick before automatic, it’s easy then to go to automatic, but the other way around, you have to re-learn some stuff.
good job man!
Uhmm, I think your analogy is a bit skewed. Learning manual is a completely different technique to learning automatic. Learning unispins with plastic pedals is pretty much the same technique to the metal pedals, but it’ll save you from the injuries.