The Unicycling Kids Gallery

Post your pics of unicycling kids! Must be under age 14 or so! Anything, even kids you don’t know. UniBrier, I know you have tons of pics!!! :slight_smile:

Kinda cool pic of seat in front… This was about 1/2 second before I started a seat in front spin:


what do you mean seat in front spin…?


lo hahahahahahahahaha your threads are so random lol

It’s sorta like a regular spin but it’s only one rotation and you do it with the seat out. Signature trick of mine… :smiley: If you check out the video of Simon Wells here, you can see a seat in front pirouette. For a proper seat in front spin, you need to do three revolutions in a space less than one meter in diameter, around a fixed point. I may have done it once, but it’s really hard. So while I’m sure you have a cool move there, it’s not a proper seat in front spin.

here’s a bunch of pictures of us that are really old:

those pictures were all taken over a year ago, so we were about thirteen or fourteen in those…