hubere wube ubonlubly spubeak ububby-dububby.
ubit tubakes uba lubong tubime tubo tubype!
ubi cuban’t spubeak ububby-dububby ubin rubeal lubife vubery wubell…tubakes tuboo mubuch thubinkubing.
do you serioulsy watch ZOOM?
thubere, fubixed.
ubactuallubby, nubo. ubi ubam jubust bubored.
Hubeck yubes! Zuboom ubis subo frubeakubin’ ubawesubome!
It was cool when it came out many years ago. All of the people have changed since then, thought, and it’s not as cool.
hatwa heta ellha isa oingga ona ereha?
wube’re spubeakubing ububby-dububby, stubupid!
ia ama otna etardra
I learned to speak in OP long before Zoom was on TV. UB was old hat to me in the mid 70’s. My Mom spoke it back in the 1940’s’! It has been around a long time. Zoom didn’t invent it.
I mastered several syllables, the best is UCK because to speak in Uck, you inadvertently have to swear.
My Mom taught my bro and I OP so we could speak without my Dad understanding. My mom is hard of hearing, so it is easy to have a conversation w/o her catching on. Later my bro and I learned things like UCK, UMP, and OB, so that we could have conversations w/o anyone else understanding.
Yep, a perfectly functional family.
What’s UCK, UMP, and OB?
I’ll stick to good old pig latin.
One inserts the given syllable before every spoken vowel.
Bird : bUBird, bOPird, bUCKird, bUMPird, etc.
Fig Newton: fOPig nOPewtOPon etc.