The "True Confessions" thread

I got this idea from Raphael, who is eager to confess his whatever-you-want-to-call-those-deeds-you-confess.

Here is the place to do it. No one knows you. Be yourself. Get that thing off your chest.

Confession is good for the soul.

What misdeed would you like to reveal???

PS Nothing criminal, within the statute of limitations.

So this is like the unicyclist version of postsecret?
Only without pictures.
How lame I think I will stick to postsecret.
Although it could be fun if you started making up random things like:
I think it’s about time James Confess’s hopefully he will do it here.
Then he mite think that I know something and he will confess to something horrible!

I confessed to exactly what you were asking about in the thread in which you asked it.

Why don’t you start us out? I’m sure several here suspect of you a few things to which you might want to confess.

First guess: This thing that should be confessed: Did you and James do it TOGETHER??!!:smiley:

I shot a robin in the neck with a B-B gun when I was 12 years old and living in Tornado, W.V. To cover up the murder, I wrapped the bird’s body in a plastic bag and threw it in the Coal River.

I saw that was on Dateline once!!
They were wondering who did it, they talked to the police and the birds parents were so sad.

And while that IS a serious crime, I believe the statute of limitations has passed.

Feel good to confess, Bruce?

Try it and see, Billy.

Why? I unserstand one could incrimniate his or herself by doing something stupid and saying “I killed John Q. Smith at 16:45EST”, but unless it really is somethinmg that severe, theres little to worry about. I don’t think there are any cops browsing our forums to see if a specific user violated parking or something… we don’t live in China.

Funny thing to say on the World Wide Web.

How would you know?

That’s what you think.

When I was 4 I lied to my mom about taking a nap

I ate cookie dough without asking :astonished: it tasted good:D

Unfortunately it seems to have led to a life of other murderous acts.

I once forgot to tip a Sonic girl. ; ;

I’ve never been to a Sonic.

I sold a 29" unicycle to someone to learn to ride on.

In my defence I will say

  1. He was very insistent and gave me cash.
  2. He wouldn’t have listened if I’d told him people don’t usually learn on 29ers (he didn’t listen when I advised him to swap the pinned pedals for plastic ones while he was learning)
  3. He told me that after 12 months I should have mastered riding and freemounting. I said it was more of a Zen thing and you either become hooked and unicycling becomes part of your life or you give it up. He said he was determined to master it.

I half expected to see him riding down the prom on it a week or two later, but it’s been about 2 months since I’ve seen him, either on his bike or on the uni.


I love the fact you’re wearing full camos, only to ruin the effect by covering it in a bright orange vest.

Animals can’t see the orange, it looks like a sortof grey to them. But other colors, like white, they can see very well.

wait, so who did they shoot, since after all … murder is the act of killing another human and therefore if they were shooting animals (WOOOHOOO) then they are doing NOTHING wrong… assuming that they are following state&federal guidelines :slight_smile:

ok, my confession DUNDAH DUN DAHHHH

one time I rode my unicycle naked … can’t say where but I did it :slight_smile: