The "**" Thread, because somebody emptied the trash.

Ivan and Goats, you now what to do…

creates great new thread

Basks in its glory

takes sunday off

I think most people would appreciate it if we kept it in the trash, so I will.

That’s where it all started, anyway.

It looks like this thread went the way of the cane toad… introduced to a habitat that can’t support it, then hit with golf clubs interstate.

is puzzled by sudden re-aperance of the “**” thread in the trash receptacle

could have sworn is was not there yesterday

swears about somthing different and makes that strange humming noise people make before kissing someone on the cheek

kissed tom on the cheek

checks on the disapearing “**” thread

is puzzled

wishes he could be involved

is now involved

punches self in face out of happiness

pours justin kool-aid

realizes that the cup is upside-down

decides not to right the mistake in hopes that justin will understand

does a triple frontflip to work off the excitement

scratches head
is cool


walks off into the sunset screaming incoherently

runs after jackie
gives high five
walks away into the sunset

posts clever link about people accepting cane toads

clicks on the links and gets taken to random rabbit feeding websites

cries in shame

harness’s Ivans shame tears and creates a crollop shrub

people come from miles around

they bask

puts out a nude beach sign

gets out his ten thousand dollar camera and starts looking for sexy girls

naked old men come instead

wishes he could join
tries to join


enters a swearing contest

wins first prize

acts happy

returns thread on to old topic

ivan dropes the tenthousand dollor camera

it breaks

ivan cries


wanders off to a different thread

comes back

does a backflip and lands on his head
