the ten commandments of unicycling

i’m trying to come up with a good list to post on my facebook group regarding unicycling…this is what i have so far. any suggestions would be appreciated : )

Ten commandments of Unicycling

  1. Thou shalt not ride uponst a transportation module bearing more than one wheel

  2. Thou shalt appreciate and learnst to cope with thy ankle wound

3)Thou shalt be castrated willingly whenst thy unicycling commenses

  1. Thou shalt attract Da Hunnies

Thou shalt not flinch at the sounds of “Entrance of the Gladiators”.

Thou shalt be able to produce a witty comeback to the “where’s your other wheel?” heckle.

Thou shalt humbly and patiently offer thy unicycle to passersby who wish to try and ride.

Thou shall destroy Mr. Laws property
Thou shall not damage private property
Thou shall not get angry when progresion becomes slow
Thou shall try to stick to you word

The last one, in my opinion, is VERY important. The local unicycling scene is OK, but a lot of riders say they’re going to come, but don’t. It is really annoying when you go out of your way to go somewhere, like across town, and find out that nobody came.

Thou shall go out of your way to go to rides

thou shalt unicycle on all worthy days, and some that arent so worthy
thou shalt balance oneself to the best of his abilities
thou shalt spread the word of the unicycle to the humble masses
thou shalt wear thy 661’s lest ye be plagued by thy ankle-biters

and the uni doesnt quite castrate you, its more of a racking effect, and i don think it can commense.
i think that one should be:
thou shalt observe the sacrificing of the testicles to racking, when the uni so commands it.

As a corollary to that:

Thou shalt never place the opposite gender above thy unicycle or unicycling time, lest you wake with pedal bites on your face.

im gunna use this one

Thou shalt humbly and patiently offer thy unicycle to passersby who wish to try and ride

…but i added to it

Thou shalt humbly and patiently offer thy unicycle to passersby who wish to try and ride…if thy passerby is a “mad hunnie”

what about this one?

  1. Thou shalt not allow any objects, whether they be of solid matter, or of thy powers unknown, come between man, and man’s right to unicycle.

what about a unicycling constitution?
with amendments like
congress shall pass no law restricting any man’s right to unicycle freely and openly.

after reviewing your suggestions…this is how it stands right now…but i’ll wait a little for any good suggestions before i actually post it

  1. Thou shalt not ride uponst a transportation module bearing more than one wheel

  2. Thou shalt appreciate and learnst to cope with thy ankle wound

3)Thou shalt observe the sacrificing of the testicles to a severe beating, when the unicycle so commands it

  1. Thou shalt attract da Hunnies

  2. Thou shalt present him or herself in a superior manner, in which thy man uponst two wheels shalt feelst intimidated.

  3. Thou shalt honkst thyne horn

  4. Thou shalt humbly and patiently offer thy unicycle to passersby who wish to try and ride…if thy passerby beist a “mad hunnie”

  5. Thou shalt not mock he whom cannot coordinate oneself uponst thy one-wheeled contraption

  6. Thou shalt not make an ass of one’s self by falling gracefully whenst thy dreadful UPD (Unplanned Dismount) occurs.

  7. Thou shalt not allow any objects, whether they be of solid matter, or of thy powers unknown, come between man, and man’s right to unicycle.

haha a constitution…sure go ahead but i’m not writing it lol

-Thou shalt not topple over and land on snakey/pointy/sharp/venomous things, or snakes that are pointy and sharp and venomous.

-Thou shalt not be afraid to show thine tears after bending thine cranks:(

-Thou shalt not apply rules to a sport that should not have rules(unless in competition of course)

-Thou shalt not write in Ye Old English stylology:D

Thou shalt not use thy unicycle to intentionaly injure small woodland creatures (unless they get in thy way)

Thou shalt ever endevour to “do a backflip”

Thou shalt not be in need of a bottom bracket

Thou shalt fear no ledge nor gap for thy divine hopage

Thou shalt look really cool to passers-by, and them utter comment, such as “dude!”, “Awesome!” or “Dude! That beotch must cane the shizzles out of your testies, man.”

How’s that?

Thou shalt have no other wheels before you but one for the unicyle is one wheel

Thou shalt remember the Sabbath for six days you must ride your unicycle and on the seventh day you must show off what you learned during the six days

all this boils down to only one commandment:
there is no other wheel but THE wheel

i’m considering using this one lol

No problem. My bike back wheel is behind me.

or woman’s

right, but man, used in that context refers to mankind…which includes women

Maybe to you, but not to me

…unless it has four wheels and almost runs you down in the crosswalk, in which case metal pedals and a U-lock are your savior! :wink: