The Tape

This is the actual tape that the characters watch in the horror movie ,The Ring. After watching it, they die exactly seven days later. The legend in the movie is that if you watch this tape you must pass it someone else to save your life, but this curses someone elses.

thats cool. but it is not exactly the same in the actuall film there is a girl who is brushing her hair and a girl falling off a cliff beside a light house but oh well still creepy

Are you going to die in seven days ??
Maybe it works for real…


hah, well now I won’t die because I got you two to watch it. so now you both have to get someone else to watch it if you don’t want to die. have a nice day!

Im not crazy enough to watch it lol, im too scared


ah, shoot. well, I still got brockfisher to watch it, so I’ll still live. ( :

its not even the real tape and it is not vhs so blaaah it wont work muahahahahaha

oh yeah? did you see the url at the end? did you GO TO IT?


I was surprised that people found that movie so scary. I’m no horror film buff, and to be honest I’ve seen much scarier ones…ones that most people would say were not as scary as The Ring.


When I saw the first Ring movie I thought they should have shared the video on Kazaa. That would fulfill the need to copy and share the video and the best part is that only the leachers would end up dieing. That’s solves two problems at once. :slight_smile:

But from my understanding I believe the video would need to stay in the VHS format (or was it a Betamax tape?) because the evil part of the tape seemed to be on special areas of the tape and analog in nature. For example the tape didn’t have the normal frame indicators that a typical VHS tape would have. If the evil part of the tape was hidden and mixed in the actual recording structure of the tape then that would all be lost if it was digitized and converted to a digital video file.

So by my analysis, watching a digital version of the tape should be completely safe because the evil parts would be stripped away and would not survive the digital processing.

Yo, me and my friends have THE ACTUAL TAPE.

it’s mad dope… only about 5minutes long though


I still can’t stand in front of a mirror and say ‘Candyman’ three times.

They did make some promotional tapes for The Ring (the first one) that were just that 5 minute segment. At the end of the tape they direct you to the web site for the movie. I’m not sure how those tapes were distributed or if they were actually sold. It would be a bit freaky though if they hid those tapes at vacation cabins.

I wonder if they would prosecute you for copyright violations if you copied that tape? :astonished:

Here’s another web site with the Flash version of The Tape.

some girl just gave it to me actually…she was like watch this:

and I was thinking…what the??? COULD IT BE?! HOT DAMN!

but then I looked at the thing and though…

the hell?! uh oh…I know what this is…

and we all had a laugh

until my friends unexpectedly dropped dead 7 days later

then we all threw a party

Im gonna wait 7 days after this was posted…just to make sure :stuck_out_tongue:

i hate scary movies it makes me parranoid. I guess its the ADD it keeps me thinking about it even though I’m doing other things. I think Resident Evil 4 is scary enough for me.

nope now im gunna die…i cried after i watched that:(

Wuss. Scary movies kick ass except i havent ever seen one that scared me before. Except i was afriad of jurassic park when i was little. I definatly agree with you on the whole Resident evil thing because…well i was playing siren for ps2 andi was like, i dont want to play this level, you do it and my friend was like no, and i was ike FINE and then i got scared but we did make it through a few levels before going to sleep. And the ring had to be the 2nd worst movie ever, aside from darkness falls, that was HORRIBLE! a waist of a movie rental, and a waist of like 2 hours. PG-13 ‘thrillers/horros’ suck so bad, its not worth my time, I definatly dig comedy. Holy Grain, spaceballs, history of the world and army of darkness fo’sure!