Owen (Murde_Mental) is going away to camp. he told me to send him a letter while he’s there, to make him feel important. send letters to: carmel@campclaret.qc.ca
and write:
in the subject field. spelled with an e on the end of tent.
he told me to, and now I’m telling all of you to, because I think it’d be funny if Owen got like fourteen thousand e-mails from a bunch of unicyclists. yeah, that’d be awesome. so do it.
hehehe, eeexcellent…don’t do like as many as you can, just do one per person though, because I expect the camp people would get kinda mad if we really were spamming him. but yeah, EVERYone has to send just one.
hahaha yeah… I just hope that I don’t get in trouble for this… I think that only the parents are supposed to get this adress… oh well! SO MUCH FOR THAT!
Hhahahahahahahahahah, I’m gonna send emails that get him in trouble!!!
IE: “Hey Owen, did you enjoy that crack I sent you? The methlab in your garage is working out, especially since you shot up those crips while you were using MARIjuana. Love, Cracky McSmokesalot.”
Good ideas guys. I like them…yeah, I’m still here. leaving TOMMORROW. and I’ll be there for two weeks… so don’t just send them on the first day… cause then I’ll get no more and I’ll be sad.
ummmmmm about the porno. man, having porno at camp is the best idea EVER…but I forgot to mention you can’t send pictures… so if it’s porno it’ll have to be stupid reading porno.
Oh well… yeah, keep them e-mails constant… If I go a day without e-mails I think I’ll cry.
yeah, we need to get this organized in order to make sure Owen receive’s the same amount of letters on each day. so, he’ll be there for 14 days…here’s the plan.
day 1: A-B
day 2: C-D
day 3: E-F
day 4: G-H
day 5: I-J
day 6: K-L
day 7: M-N
day 8: O-P
day 9: Q-R
day 10: S-T
day 11: U-V
day 12: W-X
day 13: Y-Z
day 14: ummm…everyone
so whatever day matches the letter that your last name begins with, that’s when you have to send it!! or, we could just ignore this chart and just send 'em like whenever. whatever.