The Sliver Trials Course (Pics)

No water section, sorry.

It has taken me around 4 weekends.

that is freaking awesome.

So, I dont think Alberta is too far away from Bismark ND. You got any family down here you need to visit, or live with to build me one of those??:smiley:

Looks pretty awsome, but some of that is more like north shore stuff…

I have the material to make a lot of that, in a large indoor place, but the problem with building it permament like some of that is that once you do the line a few times, it gets too easy, and then you want to rearrange it. I’m trying to build mine to were it’s all mobile, so I can mix and match peices.

Those curvy logs look so perfect.

Hourra for Émile !

Quebec is the best !

Between, that’s an awesome trial course, how much time did it take you to complete it ?


EDIT : Sorry, didn’t see the response :o

Where is Quebec?:slight_smile:

Actually, I don’t really know… I think it’s somewhere inbetween Madagascar and Bangladesh, but not sure. I’d need to check on a map to be sure…

Hey but…where is Alberta ?


looks sweet, can you ride it all?

Lol:) … Of course!

Awsome course!

If it is too easy to say, ride down a sloped skinny, ride up it. Or hop up a gap instead of down, or go to tire instead of pedal grab, or 180 up, …

I saw a vid a while ago of Kris riding up a 2" diameter pole sloped up to about 30 degrees.

I think some permanent/semi-permanent peices w/ others that can be interchanged would be best.

:wink: so whens the comp? :smiley:

Hopefully you’ll come this time sheesh.

May 5th 2008.
Hope to see you there!

4 weekends means a lot of work for that much stuff

thats pretty cool…except i dont like how its northshorish style. It seems like muni

…Muni…? Trials is more than just pallets and boxes. Logs and irregular surfaces is what makes a good trials rider.

The drop is definitely north shore, but the rest is not.

too true!

wow! :astonished:
that looks awesome.
i wish there were some trials courses in Sydney.

Just from the videos I see of Sydney, that place is a trials course.

Why build a course when you live in a city that has already been built!? :slight_smile:

i have all the other stuff so where am i gunna have to get you a ticket from to get you here to build one for me?

I have 15 acres of property, and lets just say I could use an acre

What should I put for some beginner-intermediate trials stuff?

any suggestions?..please?