The Simpsons Movie thread

Has anyone seen the Simpsons movie yet? I’m seeing it tomorrow and I’ll post my review, but from most of what I’ve read/heard, from both critics and just regular folk, it’s a really, really good movie! Not just a big screen version of the TV show, stretched to 90 minutes. It’s written by the original writers who made the Simpsons so great in their heyday. Anyway, post your reviews here!:smiley:

Spider-pig, spider-pig, does whatever spider-pig does…
I’m not a big fan of The Simpsons, but after seeing the movie, I might just become one:D
I like the style of humor

So you have seen it…I can’t really tell from your post, lol! And I kindof ageree; I used to be a huge Simpsons fan–when it was funny like 10 years ago, but it has been totally pwnd by Family Guy over the past several years. And an FG movie is purportedly being seriously considered!:smiley:

Having said that, the Simpsons movie is apparently on par or even surpasses the very “creme de la creme” of the best TV episodes!

There’s already been one family guy movie.

Well yeah, kinda, but straight to DVD and not theatrical. I have that vid and it’s funny as hell! :stuck_out_tongue: It was called “Stewie Griffin, the untold story”.

Yes, but then they made it into three episodes. I still like Family Guy better than the Simpsons:p

I’ve just got sky, anybody know where and when I can see family guy?

If you don’t have to pee too badly stay through to the end of the credits.

I thought the move was extremely funny and entertaining. After a nights sleep - good or bad - I wont remember a damn thing about it, but I enjoyed it thoroughly.

I should add that when Homer started singing the spider pig song a bunch of the people in the audience sang along forte.

And when I asked my daughter what movie she and her friend were going to see this evening they just broke out with the spider pig song.

I just watched it 2 hours back. It’s HILARIOUS.

Oh, to those who watched it - does Selma and Patty appear in the movie? I see their images in the credits but they aren’t in the movie when I watched. I’m not sure if their parts got snipped because if so, I’m gonna be very annoyed.

Who are Selma and Patty? :smiley:


Nevermind, they aren’t

(say it again!) Monorail!

I did not think the film was very good…

Haha, I thought it was funny for about 20 minutes, then it just kept going downhill.

Well, eerrr, I don’t recommend it to anyone.


did it just get dull or did the humor change?

Are you a big fan of the Simpsons? You are indeed in the vast MINORITY of those very few who didn’t like the movie; and most of those ppl were not big Simpsons fans to start with. :sunglasses:

if you havent seen it pm me. ill dl it today.

Gabe, I know pirating seems “cool”, and “rebellious”, and all sorts of other attractive adjectives, but no one cares. There’s really no need to bring it our attention that you download movies.

Vast minority? :stuck_out_tongue: