The Secret !


I recently saw the documentary name The Secret in English class. It talks about a way to think that can change your life ( positive thinking ). I really loved it and seriously I think that everyone should use the secret. It is a new idea because it was used for more than 2000 years but the documentary is new (2006) and it brings all the knowledge that a lot of experts know together.

For more informations go to:

Anybody else know about it, believe in it or use it?

Give your opinions


My mom is obsessed with it, she really wants me to watch it.

wwell i just lost the game.

Thanks, iRide… that sounds like an apple product for unicyclists!

Whats the secret, like what is it?

It’s a secret, I can’t tell :frowning:

Seriously, it is The Law attraction: positive thinking influence positive things that happen to you. Same thing for negative thinking. If you ask “correctly” ( see how-to in the documentary ) to the universe what you want, you will got it one day.

You can controlled your life completely. You can have a perfect life, and you should.

the other day i found out (i was reading the periodic table of the elements) and theres an element called iridium. how cool is that !


i was winning for soo long

acually i lost as soon as a i saw the title of this thread

mostly found near asteroid craters due to the high asbudance of iridium in space rocks
(didnt wiki that)

i dont get it

you cant controll people yet you can controll what hapenes to your life Hmmm me thinks me can smells some thing and it is the baked beans I had earlier

you need to watch the documentary to understand it

and some believe it, some don’t

You can get the torrent at

I did watch it it was on tv a while ago
all that crap about hope stones and deises being cured

Me too, soon as I saw the title…it seems like the longer one is playing the game for, the more often he or she loses it.

The secret =

Sounds a lot like karma to me.

I’ve seen the secret: it’s good in some ways, but complete rubbish in others. I think it’s good how they teach you to think positive, but when they pull out some universal law of attraction out of their arses and claim that it’s quantum physics(they even have some guy who’s title reads “Quantum Physicist” explain it all), it gets on my nerves. They say the law of attraction is scientifically proven: oh really, couldn’t you mention at least one scientific experiment that’s been done to test your law?

Also, how they teach you to get stuff. Just because you get a million dollar car or a five storey mansion that the media made you dream about, doesn’t mean you’ll be much happier. What it does mean, though, is that many other people will be less happy. Think: wasting resources, creating poverty, sweatshop labour. Remember kids: we’re living in consumer society. Possessions are fleeting.

I guess the movie does have some positive sides to it: it’s pretty well made and it teaches people to focus on good things instead of going over all the miseries in their heads. But, in my opinion: all the crap about physics and their approach to life outweighs the few good things they have to say.

p.s. You guys made me lose the game.

i think it is all about how you veiw the world not how you can influence it :slight_smile:

looks like onother devinchie code film to me, anyway I have a good theorie on the secret

Sounds like a RELIGION!!! !EEK!

I hope you didn’t see this in a PUBLIC SCHOOL…

I downloaded it but I havent watched it yet. Sounds like this secret will be worthless but I am kinda interested.