The Science of Unicycling - new vid

Great new video on the Sports Science channel, made by Untamed Science, featuring a collision of my two worlds (science and unicycling).

Loved it! :slight_smile:

Are there more in this series? Will there be? :smiley:

Great video!


That was so awesome Roland. You should make more videos like that.

Glad you guys liked it, Rob is amazing with these videos. He just got a uni and so is just starting to learn - expect a video about that in the near future. If we did more ‘science of unicycling’ videos, what other topics should we cover?

Dude, not ten minutes later I see you again, this time in an article about tracking where cats go when they go outside. Are you the new king of all media??? Great video though, and excellent that you’ve gotten Rob so excited about riding.

I’m not sure this is a different topic, but I’d like to see a visual of distance for pedal on each of the unicycles that would be fairly simple to cover.

You could also do a tire, brake review of the different types, benefits, limitations. …depends on how in depth you’d want to get or if you are simply doing an overview. There are a wealth of topics to mine…

Nice vid. Nice potential in your theme. Other topics?

How about these for a couple of possibilities in describing the mechanics of unicycle operation?

> How the stored energy in the anatomy of legs when transferred through the structure of a unicycle (pedals/cranks/wheel) allows for hopping.

> The role torque applied around the vertical axis of the torso plays in turning a unicycle through 90°.

I would like to see more on balancing.

You briefly covered the center of weight over the center of balance, but if you want to move forward you need to shift it slightly forward and so on. Also, you have two axis for falling - one forward and back, the other side to side. Balance front to back happens because of adjustment to the speed of the wheel. Balance side to side happens like on a bike. The faster the wheel is spinning, the more side to side balance there is.

At least that is how I explain it to the kids I teach. No wonder their eyes glass over. :slight_smile:

I also use the broom stick balanced on the palm example. They like that better.

Again, great video. I sent it to several parents whose kids ride with me. They always want to buy 1 unicycle that covers it all. I have to explain to them that they are going to end up with more - like gears on a bike.

Great video!

Great video.

Topic: How does the unicycle seat effect the body based on age, fitness level and weight?

Nicely done.

One thing: his name is Kris Holm, not Kris Holms.

Thanks for the ideas everyone, I like the idea of how the torso is involved in hopping. Add that to the legs, get a super-slo-mo camera, could be fun.


ps, glad you liked the cat video I was in, funny it came out the same day as this uni science one.

Yes it grates very badly.

Nice introductory vid. I really like my muni 26er, but this video makes me really want the 26er Schumpf now!