"The Ring" and Unicycles

I was watching the movie "the Ring tonight and noticed that there is a unicycle in the film. Just after the guy dies and his ex wife (the main character) runs in, just behind her against the wall or something there is a black unicycle with a little bit of silver on it. I just thought that was an awesome thing to see in a major motion picture. Are there any other none unicycle related movies that do have Uni’s in them?


One of the Batman movies has a crazy clown riding around on a white 24" shooting people with a machine gun. Also, Seinfeld has a unicycle in one of the episodes. It’s the one with Elaine’s new group of friends that’s the opposite to Jerry, George and Kramer (or Cramer…I don’t know). You know how Jerry’s appartement has a green bike hanging up in the background? The other guy’s has a unicycle. It’s great! There’s also a unicycle in a Simopsons episode.


[QUOTE Originally posted by andrew_carter ]

One of the Batman movies has a crazy clown riding around on a white 24" shooting people with a machine gun.

Going through my old Ozjuggle Magazines ( Not in Publication anymore Kim Kaos Quit) and I found More Unicycling Movie’s. Batman Forever as Andrew Mention it. Tom Selleck in Her Alibi & I asume too on one of his T.V show Magnum P.I. Had unicycling too. Can’t remember the Name title of the show but anyone in the U.S might Know than me. Nightmare Before Christmas has one with a Unicycling Mayor in a Animation movie, And When Night Is Falling has a Giraffe Unicyclist. If you need more info I’ve got the lot mainly from those magazines that I cannot part with. It’s a shame that Kim Kaos isn’t reading this topic or Browsing Our Favorite Site of this. Where are you Kim. David. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :sunglasses:

i saw…

I remember this old movie " the nightmare before christmas" and the chrazy clown this is on a mini giraffe . I dont know if anybody has seen that movie cause its really old .

Also, in the movie Monsters Inc., right when they start making kids laugh, instead of scared, A monster on a unicycle rides by, behind the “closet doors”. :slight_smile:

Re: i saw…

                                                                                       Found a site with the pictures from the movie, hence my avatar.

In the movie,“Half Baked”, there is a unicycle in the stoners’ apartment. I think was against the wall by the couch.


My friend told me that Louis rides a unicycle on one of the episodes of “Even Stevens” on the Disney channel.


Re: i saw…

watch it!


That’s the one where Homer finds out what his middle name is and becomes a hippie. When he goes on a freak out with Seth and Munchie, Krusty rides but on a unicycle with Mr. Teeny on a leash and says “weirdos.”

What? They’re mocking us? Who would do that to us???

Don’t forget Pee Wee’s Big Adventure! Pee Wee is sitting outside, sulking in despair over the loss of his bicycle and notices everyone around him enjoying their day on various bikes. The first few are just regular bikes, then there’s a tandem, and finally they show a mime dramaticly struggling stay atop his unicycle.

I was realy suprised to see a uni in The Ring, crazy azz movie!

The Grinch, with Jim Carey, has a unicycle in a scene for like a second, I dont know what part but its when everybody is running away. Its very cool to see unicycles in movies. :slight_smile:

I was very impressed with the ring.

I am typically VERY skeptical, and usually very dissapointed with ‘scary’ movies (sixth sense, signs, all the new ‘horror’ movies’

I was very impressed with the Ring.

Although, after you say to yourself, 'Wow, what a well thought out, great special effect movie, someone says something rifi culously cheesy, reminding you that there is no such thing as a perfect scary movie.

However, fantastic visuals, and strategically placed suspense made this an actual CREEPY, sinister movie. I was very impressed.

If you haven’t seen it, it’s worth the rental (unlike fear.com!)

the ring was the worst!

wha ta peice of horse bleep,

why was she in the closet?
what did horses have to do with it?
why didnt the father kill himself a long time ago if the murders where so bad?
why would somone build a cabin on top of a well?
what was the significants of the girlfriend going up the elevator as the ex-wife was comming down?
as the dock workers said “they messed with nature” how?
why would a nameless,label less video tape be put on the self for rental?
what was the meaning of the fingers in the box?

that movie had more loose ends than frayed rope!

i hold out hope that the original Japan version (Ringu) will be much better…,the Ring was a piece of crap…

Agreed. The movie left a lot of things hanging. As long as you are willing to accept things as the movie presents them, and you don’t question things after the movie is over, it’s a good movie. My reaction during and after the movie was WTF? because things just didn’t make sense.

One thought I had after the movie was that someone should share the video on Kazaa. That would identify the leachers. :slight_smile:

I missed the unicycle. I must have had my eyes closed. But I’m not willing to rent the movie just to find a unicycle. The movie wouldn’t have the same effect the second time through.

oh yeah,and 1 more thing.

why is it that a little girl was drowned in the well,yet when she came out of the TV she was a full grown woman?

what a P.O.S. movie…

Seing as I haven’t seen most of the movies you all are talking about and seemed to have missed the Uni’s in the tv shows, how about some one start a gallery of screen shots of the
uni’s in the movies. <-- catchy title huh?


I agree. Did you read my thread daino149. Quite surprise really.


in vampire hunter d, the second one, i think.

in the team of bounty hunters the female rides a monocycle. it looks pretty nifty, i actually wondered if the bombardier company tried to make a piece of fiction reality after watching this movie.

when D finds the hide out of the carriage the main man, a toad, actually, is idling about on a unicycle as he talks to D. it’s a fun movie.