The 'pwn Billy' thread

It seems that recently, BillyTheMountain has discovered the magic of over-using the words ‘pwn’ and ‘pwnd’. So, in this thread, we will fulfill his wish - we will pwn him.

Billy, consider my making of this thread your first PWNING!



ooOoo You Pwnd Billy!

ooOooOo You showed him!

I know you are, but what am I?

Dang, I got pwnd… :frowning: :astonished: :thinking: :roll_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue:

Am I the only one who thinks it’s hilarious when billy uses pwned and freaks out? Oh well, I do.

I’m into classic billy.

AFAIK Billy is a n00b, b/c correctly it’s pwn3d, but if he really was 31337, he’d know that.

Im confused!

Me 2. :thinking:

?I ma tahw tub, era uoy wonk I

Greg, that mirroring trick is really great, and I have no idea how you did that.

I am so not 31337.

1-wheeled-grape and Hazmat, just google it.


Ha, I don’t have to say ‘pwnd’ because I’ve done that unintentionally elsewhere.

There is a site that does it for you. I forget its web address though.

I think you just pwn3d me!

pwnd whoever Billy is


Careful…he might get back at you.

Billy pwnd all of you by not posting here.