the pickup artist

Have any of you seen the show on vh1, The Pickup Artist? I normally cant stand that type of reality show, but it is very interesting. Mystery, the so called worlds greatest pickup artist, teaches a bunch of nerds how to pick up women. He has some awesome techniques.
There is a book written about him. Its called,The Game - Penetrating the secret society of pickup artists by Neil Strauss. I just started reading the book the other day. I’m on page 60 of about 230.
I live in a college town and go out regularly. I’m not bad with women and can sometimes go home with a phone # or even get lucky, but “lucky” is usually the key word.
This book is legit and examines the art of approaching women from all the angles. I can’t wait to go out tonight and try out some new ideas.

If you want to download the book you can find it at

they recommend you use utorrent to download it.

No offense, but if you need a book written by some other guy to teach you how to “pick up” chicks then your just not ready. Like I said I’m not trying to offend you, that just sounds realllllly lame. You got to college bro, that shouldn’t be something your worried about at all;)

I think that’s utter bullshit. Who are you to judge other people’s own personal methods of discovering new relationships with women? It’s not like he’s giving the woman date-rape drugs, he’s just picking up some (I would assume) helpful advice for the general dating scene. There’s nothing wrong with that. Just cause you already know how doesn’t mean everyone else does - everyone learns in different ways.

I totally agree with you on that dude. :smiley: :smiley:

I was just gonna call him a douche, but my browser froze up. This is a nicer way of putting it.

Ive seen two episodes of it. I dont like it, well, actually, I just dont care for it.

Ive also asked lots of girls I know, and none of them like “Mystery”. Made me laugh.

Whoa a little hostile are we?

It’s called for when someone’s being a jerk. Just sayin’

Read 50 pages and I highly believe that you will be convinced. A friend of mine swears up and down by this book. I knew him freshmen year. We would go to parties and he was so shy he would hardly talk to anyone. I just went out to the bar with him 2 weeks ago for the first time in about a year. He got TWO different girls number in about an hour. One of the girls was one of the hottest in the bar and was with a group of guys.

The last sentence in your post makes me believe that most of what you know about college comes from movies and tv shows. I also go to a college where the male to female ratio is 2.5 to 1.

If anyone downloads the book and doesn’t want to post about it on here, message me and tell me what u think.

Jerrick: The book isnt by mystery, however he and his method are in it. It was written by someone who spent time with all the best known seduction artists over 2 years and became one of the top seduction artists himself in the process.

Haha I love everyones awesome aggression toward this subject! It’s cool that you guys are sticking up for him and all but I was not trying to make fun of him.

It’s very simple, if you have confidence and just go for it you ARE definatley going to attract lot of chicks. It’s fine if some of you need a book for that, it’s just that a false sense of confidence could lead to an even worse disaster when dealing with girls.

I don’t care what you guys think of me because its all good and even if you do think I’m a dick…I don’t care because half of you wouldn’t even nut up and say that to my face and the other half would want like 6 other friends with them. I’m not here to make enemy’s at all, its just that you guys are WAYYYY diferent than I am from what I’ve gathered in the short time I’ve been here and that ok with me because I probably wouldn’t like most of you in real life anyways. I’m not saying I hate you guys, its just that a lot of you guys are how I should say…“Good Kids”. Sounds like most of you have fun and I’m not trying to diss you or anything, its just that some of you (dudewithasock) need to just relax and stop with the hatin.

And if it sounds like I’m being an asshole just tell me, because most of the time I don’t even realize it (I’m just not used to a super sensitive crowd)

Yeah, the show is kinda stupid…I only watched for a couple minutes.

Yeah I’m sorry about that bro, I wasn’t trying to be serious or anything, it was just a little sarcastic being an asshole type thing I do sometimes.

Well first of all, I just wanna make it clear that I’m not angry at you and that I don’t dislike/hate you. I’m sure you’re a nice guy - after all, you ride a unicycle - it just irks me to no end when people say that kids like me, who don’t drink/aren’t totally confident around girls/dislike parting/etc. don’t like to have fun. There are other ways to have fun, and many people just don’t seem to get that. If you ever met me you’d find I’m totally relaxed and perhaps too laid back, I’m just not into the dating/partying scene.

No hostility towards you as a person, just to the idea that people can only have fun one way. :slight_smile:

When I tried that torrent it told me I had to register on torrentbully to download it.
So here’s the pirate bay link.
Wow, that torrent just downloaded in less than a minute.

Well first of all, I just wanna make it clear that I’m not angry at you and that I don’t dislike/hate you. I’m sure you’re a nice guy - after all, you ride a unicycle - it just irks me to no end when people say that kids like me, who don’t drink/aren’t totally confident around girls/dislike parting/etc. don’t like to have fun. There are other ways to have fun, and many people just don’t seem to get that. If you ever met me you’d find I’m totally relaxed and perhaps too laid back, I’m just not into the dating/partying scene.

No hostility towards you as a person, just to the idea that people can only have fun one way. :)[/QUOTE]

I thought it was only drug lots of sex I mean lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of drugs…

Lawl @ Michael.

I actually torrented this e-book and read the first 2 chapters, about 55 pages or so, and it was fairly interesting. The problem I have with this is the lying that Mystery endorses, and how he seems to have almost no conscience. If you have to hide your whole lifestyle from people you’re closest to and then worry if they discover it, you might wanna reconsider what you’re doing.

All that manipulation just doesn’t sit well with me…treating the girls as “practice” and such. That’s probably just me misunderstanding something, but that’s the way I see it.

no, you understood it correctly. that part bothers me as well. He is very phony. if you read further on in the book it goes into how messed up and self centered mystery really is because of how shitty his childhood was. He has a great understanding of how to act and what to say to seduce women, but he goes way over the line in the way he treats them.
What I’m mainly getting from the book is how to meet more women so that you have a better chance to find one that is right for you. The book though, mainly justs treats it as a game or a contest.

I wont be downloading the book.

Ive been with my girlfriend for almost 2 years now, so I must be doing it right. Go me.

I agree 100%.

You’ve been holding onto a relationship right, but how well could you hook up with a lady if the need arose?