now that u bring it up again, how’s the ankle trev/eric?
Yeh my foot is fine probably fine to come out of pot but apointment is another 2 weeks. I had the bottom repaired because of it was falling apart but when it does that again im just going to leave it.
So far i can
Ride my skateboard
Ride unicycle
Kick the kick bag
Im probably not to be suposed to do anything but my ankle feels fine and i cant feel and ligament.
Buc this weekend i cant ride my unicycle but i think im going to learn hand wheel walk on my chest and do some juggling.
I dont think ill be out for too long really its driving me crazy!!
Ha Ha
Was it your eveil twin playing hockey on aturday night then? And who was the one doing all that one foot stuff with a pot on?
I changed my mind after finding out that i could one foot. Next stage to one foot is coasting so i learnt one footed coasting, did a nice 30 metre coast earlyier.
be careful now!
Glad to hear the foot is healing so well.
Great T-shirt, Where can I get one?
you cant get the t-shirt because its a convention t-shirt buc 11.
Great pics Trev!
Love the coasting one!
Chrashing, dont think there are any more tee’s knocking around. Ill see what I can do.
Well ive had my cast off since last thursday and its not to bad i tried walking on it slowly last night but could hear bits crunching so im not doing anymore of that. I took a picture of the ankle where they have cut open and stuff.