The operation

Well yesterday i had my operation on my ankle.

Got there at 7:30 and was 3rd in que for operation so i started to read a book then 20 minutes later a nurse came and said oh its your turn now, I was suposed to have like one last shower before operation because it would be last one for 9 weeks or so.

I got moved into the operating room where they put all the monitering stuff on me and then annoying little thing the put on your hand to inject stuff. The Doctor then said you will be asleep within 20 seconds but i felt fine :slight_smile: Bang i was out cold lol i didnt even wake up till i noticed one of them blood presure things getting tight on my arm. Id been asleep for hours and they had even put my leg in cast. I spent most of yesterday trying to sleep and not think of pain, I woke up at 4 am after watching england match and falling asleep in some great pain and i also needed the toilet which isnt the best when you cant even move.

The next morning i woke up bright and fresh and not really hurting that much. so they sent my home later this day. Im glad my house is fully disability acesibility because i wouldnt able to get up the stairs!

Well i am still planning to come to Buc, i have appointment in 3 weeks to get a smaller pot on so ill have to see how its going then.

Ps Sarah if your reading this ill get that thing to you some time soon

might post pic soon

Get Well Soon

yeah man hope you get better fast. your gonna go crazy not being able to ride for that long. what happened that you had to have surgery.

Hope all’s well mate!

Does this mean you wont be in the BUC show!? :stuck_out_tongue: :roll_eyes: :astonished:


get well soon


glad to hear everything went well, and you’re still alive and all that good stuff! get better soon!!

heal well and soon

read lots
play lots of chess

surely u can have two ‘spotters’ to help u with a brief one-foot-idling demonstration?

Re: The operation

Yes, please do. I need to see if you look at all like your avatar. :slight_smile:

rest up because soon you will be the six million dollar man

Best of luck for a full and speedy recovery!

I dont believe i will be doing the Buc show :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe ill get a pic for tommorow i cant spend to long with my leg down because it starts to swell grr, Reason for injury was i did a backflip one day and my crutial ligament decided to snap off from my ankle quite randomly, i thought id just sprained it at the time because i was back doing them within 3 days.

Today has been pretty boring just spent most of the day playing gran turismo 4 atleast its going to take weeks to complete.

Thanks for all the get well soons.

Here’s another Get well soon. Will it be as good as ever?

Klaas Bil

Again, get well soon! I want a pic!!! YAY EYECANDY!!! :smiley:

I’m wishing a speedy recovery for you pal!

What happened to your ankle, did you break it? I sprained my ankle really bad over 2 months ago, and it still hurts and is swollen, the doctor said it would almost be better if i had broken it. Anyways, hope all is well, ankle injuries are a pain!

Here is the photo


looks fine from over here…

go-on, stick a great big ole peace sign on that sucker
can’t have it all virginally white all the time

No, a sticker like evan did on his cast!

I was going to draw on my pot but im only having it on for 3 weeks then its replaced with a smaller one.


i feel your pain, unicycleboy.

i had an operation at the end of february to straighten out my ankle. i was longboarding, tried a coleman slide. it was a bit too successful, and i fractured the fibula and displaced my ankle as a result.

the doctor said after the cast came off, it’d be 6 weeks before i could do anything physical.
he doesn’t know what he’s talking about; it took me 2.

mother says i shouldn’t ride the skateboard anymore.
which means she’ll have to say ok to me getting new cranks and tread for my 24"

a word of caution, kiddies: a skateboard is a dangerous thing. a unicycle can be made dangerous, but it is not inherently so.

heal well, unicycleboy!!