uhm…you’ve lost me
Keep your pants on and…
Guess who the MOLE is, DOOOD!
or carson
Way to go Monkeyman!!! Now you’re playing the game.
This thread was on it’s way to a slow death on page 3 when I revived it.
The game is on! If you’re playing, take a guess!!!
fine everyone im the mole!!
I knew it.
actually im more of a ref then anything
Present the evidence for your suspicions, please.
Others, take a guess!!! Game ends soon! Look on this page for hints!!!
i think its chosen and his task is to get a shoutout inpeoples sig line
it seems this version is quiet-er…
comeon guys, wheres the paranoia?
so was i right about chosen?
I have no idea who the mole is…but I think it might be Jonny the Peachicken.
thats who i think it is
this version is very quiet even though it ends tuesday!
thats tommorrow it ends tommorrow!!
Well duh, TheYang is the mole.
isn’t it obvious?
And his job is not to post in the mole thread.
thats hot.
Quick: look for hints, and VOTE!
so habby whos the mole?
i shall extend it another week, because the mole has probbably been to busy reading MR to carry out any moley tasks