The Number 23

Has anyone else seen this movie?

I thought it was awesome. I kept trying to make things add up to 23 when i got out and it got to be kinda freaky how many things I found.

I realized this one just now. BC = 23

Yeah, really freaky. Almost as freaky as two people with the SAME BIRTHDAY!! :wink:

Doesn’t B+C = 5?

B,C=2,3 or 23

i havnt seen it, were can i watch it?

A movie theatre would prolly be your best bet.

Well if you wanna get technical…

BC would really be BC, or 23, or 6.

But 6*4-1 = 23! :astonished: :astonished:

If I wanna get technical BC is 188 written in hexadecimal.

You will find whatever you look for if you look hard enough. The world is full of everything, and your mind will fill in the gaps where things don’t quite exist. The movie is complete nonsense.

You should try the ‘Lost’ forums.
Those places are full of crackpots.

maby I should have said weird or ironic instead of freaky. Obviously the movie is nonsense but I just think that it is a really cool idea and that it was very well done.

The impression I get…

The say we met, April 19! 23!
And we were HOW old? 23!
Number of the beast divided by itself minus decimals… 23!
Total fingers and toes I have? 23!
My IQ!.. 23!

couldn’t resist. To be fair, I’m supposed to see it soon with friends. Still think it’s ridiculous, though.

You know, this one time, I met this guy, and you know what?

He was 23. It was the freakiest day of my life.

my friend justin is the same way, some guy died march 3 1703, 17+3+(day)3=23

lol i saw that film i though it was quite cool. But i havent botehred finding 23’s everywhere lol :smiley: