The most inappropriate, yet acceptable Thread:

What is the most inappropriate yet accepable thing that can be posted in these forums.

Use your imaginations and push the boundries anything goes unitll it goes “too far”

my nads itch…:frowning:

I will do it with my spear and magic hewmet

It shall be done.

I think it would probably be about crotch pain, or maybe a picture of chaffed thighs(balls held out of the way). I think the “I’m to Sexy for My Unicycle” qualified as one of the most innapropriate yet happily acceptable threads.

Harper’s sexy picture.

I doint know I think anything about balls even balls in mouth my be appropriate,

I mean who can say that some balls in mouth doesnt heal a good chaffing…

But after a while it hurts your back… Uhh I mean, wouldn’t that hurt your back, putting your balls in your mouth… Uhhh…

Ok clearly talking about balls is still acceptable, time for something new…


So who here uses illegal drugs?

How’s that?

Let’s tell offensive racist jokes!

There’s a mexican guy and a black guy in a car. Who’s driving?

the police.

(no offense to any Mexicans, Black Guys, or police)



Yea I think that may be too far. lets back it up a tad and try again.

Maybe something about poop… ?

has anyone crapped soo much that it wouldnt fit down the pipe? like the loaf was too big around?

_o/ It wasn’t too big, but so long and hard that it wouldn’t fit :stuck_out_tongue: Hmm… That sounds a little bit strangeish…

How about Harper taking a new pic with women’s underwear?

that and when you think that you should hack it up to make it smaller to make it fit.

Oh yeah Harper…

i did one like that at work, told my manager a customer did it, so he had to clean it up:D are drugs appropriate talk? Anyone else enjoy riding a lot more when theyre stoned? i find mounting a lot harder but the ride much more enjoyable

Ha ha, Chex. I am pleased to know that I am the one at that extreme edge you seek. You may not cross this line.

You cant beat the best. But you can try.

*to the tune of walking in a winter wonderland

Lacy things, the wife is missing.
Didn’t ask, for her permission
I’m wearing her clothes,
silk panty hose.
Walking around in women’s underwear.

In the store, there’s a teddy.
With little straps, like spaghetti.
It holds me so tight,
like handcuffs at night.
Walking around in women’s underwear

In the office there’s a guy named Melvin.
He pretends that I am Murphy Brown.
He’ll say: ‘Are you ready?’
I’ll say: ‘Woah man! Let’s wait until the wife is out of town.’

Later on, if you wanna,
We can dress, like Madonna.
Put on some eye shade, and join the parade.
Walking around in women’s underwear.

Lacy things - missing.
Didn’t ask - permission.
Wearing her clothes, silk panty hose.
Walking around in women’s underwear.
Walking around in women’s underwear.
Walking around in women’s underwear…

written by Bob Rivers