The most extreme weather you‘ve ever ridden in

I commute year-round so I’ve seen just about everything the UK weather can throw at you (Which compared to you folks in Canada and Alaska isn’t a lot!).

Worst ones are hail - aside from smashing your face in, you end up with a slippery mush all over the floor. Our wind can get pretty serious (This past couple of weeks when we got the tail end of that hurricane that hit Ireland were insane!) and, at least in the town I live, we get flash-floods pretty often. In terms of cold, we rarely go a lot lower than 0°c, so most of the time I can get away with wearing a jumper, gloves and a wooly hat (And even then I have to strip the jumper off halfway through the commute as I start to get too hot).

None of this is impossible to unicycle in, except maybe when the wind gets truly insane, so it is pretty fun to see all the people at the bus stop looking horrified when I speed past them :smiley:

I started 99th overall (of 105). When I left the starting gate, the rain hadn’t yet started. The race wasn’t particularly long, less than half an hour I think, but it started completely dumping midway through. And because the course wasn’t closed to cars, and because I was in a tight race with Tue Johannsen, I wound up having to cross the double yellow line in a downpour to pass a car that was caught behind a slower rider.

I wound up beating Tue by less than 10 seconds, so it turned out to be important.

Chickened out on a ride last night. It was about -10C and hurricane winds.

Went for the same ride tonight at -11C and no wind and found about 25-30 trees down on just one trail.
I can’t imagine how many trees are down on our trail system. :frowning:

Anybody up for a work holiday?
I’ll provide the chainsaws and hot beverages.

I lived worked and played in the north plenty of times at 40 below as well as lots of heavy rain.

Nothing left to prove in the cold and wet. Now I prefer to engage in outdoor activities when the weather is Extremely Nice.

Now that the clock has been set back an hour for the winter time, it is dark a lot earlier, so today I decided to connect my helmet light and go for a spin in the forest. Only it was extremely foggy. I have a very bright Xeccom light, which just reflected in the fog, so it was very hard to see anything and with no light it was just too dark to see anything as well. I think I have to learn how to ride with my eyes closed :slight_smile:

I think you are safe I can’t find any evidence of lungs freezing at cold temperatures being true.