The most embarrassing album you own

What is the most embarrassing album that you own?

I went through my vinyl album collection today and found two albums that I’m embarrassed to say that I own.

  1. Peaches & Herb: 2 Hot!
  2. You Light Up My Life: Soundtrack

And then there is that embarrassing Kenny G CD :astonished:

I probably wouldn’t tell people that I own both the complete 7-disc soundtrack for Final Fantasy XI and the soundtrack for World of Warcraft.

So bad it’s good! A classic of sorts.:stuck_out_tongue:

Here’s just one of the gems in this fine album!

Oh, so you don’t like it eh? “This is mutiny mister!” :sunglasses:

bill's worst.jpg

Ricky Martin

Oooo, I own a copy of Bobby Goldsboro’s “He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother” album. Good classic stuff.

Steely Dan.
(new) Gato Barbieri.

Eifel 65

I have the cassete of the soundtrack from rhinestone.
that terrible movie with Sylvester Stallone and Dolly Parton where Sly plays a singing cab driver.

You are embarrased to have a steely dan album? Dude! That can’t be so!

I have a Clumsy Lovers CD.

But only because I unicycled during one of their shows at a charity preformance thing.

I don’t listen to it, and it’s not really that embarrassing. And other then that, I don’t own anything that could be remotely thought of as embarrassing.

I just went through my whole collection and didnt see one thing im embarrassed of owning.

Dude! me two!

I got that in like 3rd grade. It was I think the first album I ever bought.

That was my first thought of the most embarrassing album I own, but now that I think about it, I do own “The chronicles of life and death” by good Charlotte, which I got as a gift. Don’t exactly like Good Charlotte much…


Mine is Leon Schuster, Rugbysongs.

JohhnyReggae, you can start shutting up now.

Thanks , Terry

I don’t know how you found this, but it is classic Shatner chewing the scenery.
Loved it.
Sorry to hear about the e-mail hack. You’ll get the bastard, I know.
Too bad you can’t come to Nova Scotia for RTL. Would have been great to meet you. Love your vids.

I don’t have much vinyl, but what I own I still have. If it has to the most embarrassing vinyl album I would have to say:

A Flock of Seagulls

None of my CDs embarrass me. Now to go find the box of old cassettes…

eifel 65 and hits for kids and some mcmusic cds :o

Confessions on a Dancefloor by Madonna.

William Shatner?!?!?! :astonished: Truly the worst imitation of “singing” ever. :wink:

I looked through my stock of 33 1/3 LPs. How about the Smothers Brothers?

Thats a really good album…

Anyways, mine would probably have to be Nsync.


How do you get a third of a LP? :smiley:

Mine would have to be ‘the smurfs go pop’