The Mile High Club

I reaffirmed my membership in the mile high club today (Friday). Did it solo this time.

I figured since the CMW crew is busy riding not-Downieville today that I should make up for that and do a proper ride myself.

I think I was in better shape last year. My legs felt heavy during the last three miles of the climb (about 1000 vertical feet to go). Had to stop and rest briefly three times during the last three miles so the legs could recover. I don’t remember the legs feeling like that last year. But I also took fewer rests this year and I think the pace was faster.

For the climb
19.3 miles
2 hours 37 minutes moving time (according to the cycle computer)
3 hours 1 minute total time


Doing it with a group of three is more fun, but the pacing was more of a problem.

Did you cramp up? :stuck_out_tongue:

i’m impressed

He is talking about uni’ing up a mile high, just to let you all know.

dude…theres kids here…geez. i mean im not here to judge but dang.

I didn’t know you could get into the Mile High Club by “doing it” solo. :smiley:

Seriously, congrats!!!


If you would look at the link he gave you would know that he is talking about riding up one mile of elevation.

Thanks for the insight, I seriously thought he was bragging about a massive erection. :roll_eyes: