Lately there have been a lot of AOL style threads and replies over in r.s.u. Obviously there is a need for these folks to converse, but there is also a need for them to do it in a more suitable environment. Hence this thread.
This thread is for “Me too!” style conversations. Consider it a most replies thread for the AOL crowd.
The rules are simple:
Topics must be a short statement
Replies must be very short and add nothing of substance
A sample conversation would go like this:
John: I like to unicycle
Sam: ME TOO!!!
Joe: u2
Otto: LOL
Amy: me to
Then when that conversation runs its course, a new topic will be started.
no responce from Darren yet but it will be soon and we will know if we can get a bunch sent to my house. i hope he can get them or its going to be a little harder going over seas
Thanks for doing all that. I’ll be away all weekend in Cleveland. Not sure if they have Internet there (after all, it’s Cleveland). But I definitely want a seat. In other words, “me too”.