The Last Samurai

Awesome movie!

I don’t generally care for Tom Cruise movies (save for Top Gun, of course)

But this movie is really good. TC played a really well lead role, but it could have easily been any one else, any good actor would have done well in this movie, as it is good because of the story, not who’s in it.

Not to mention the Preview for ‘Troy’!!!

When I first saw the previews last summer, I was a little put off and had no interest in the film. Then about a month ago on the Discovery Channel I was watching a show on the biomechanics of Martial Arts, and they went more into depth about the movie. I think the show was paid for by the movie being advertised. In any case, the more I learned about the movie, the more interested I became. I want to see it, but I will probably not get around to seeing it on the big screen. I am glad to hear someone liked it.

i saw it in december, it liked it a lot, i was skeptical at first because of Cruise but i got over that

Between the Last Samurai and LOTR, I really want to go back to New Zealand.

BTW: I liked the movie, but LOTR was much better.


You realize that samurai are from Japan not New Zealand right? Or was Samurai filmed in NZ?

I think TLS is one of the best movies I have seen. I wasn’t so impressed with a movie since Fellowship of the Ring. There was so many places in the movie it could have succumbed to cheap Hollywood but it didn’t. It stayed true.

Yep, I think they used Mt Taranaki in central north island NZ in place of Mt Fuji because of it’s conical shape. Don’t ask me why. Maybe it was cheaper than filming in Japan.

Rowan from this forum lives and rides up there.


Come to NZ and I’ll take you MUniing on the LOTR locations near my place