The Last King of Scotland

We saw this tonight at a special advance screening. Soon to be released. Definitely a worthwhile movie, starring Forest Whitaker as Idi Amin. Nerve racking. Great soundtrack. Ugandan band singing Me and Bobby McGee.

When it comes your way, let me know what you think of it!

I read the book a while ago, I thought it was really good. I didn’t really know anything about Uganda or Amin beforehand, so it was a real eye-opener.

I hardly ever go to the cinema, but I might have to make an exception for this film.

Now that it’s getting wider play, have you seen it?

Nope, too broke for cinema tickets at the moment! I don’t mind waiting until I can rent the DVD or watch it on TV, if it’s good then it will be worth the wait:)

Just saw the preview to that, and it looks great!

Cant wait to go watch it.:smiley:

Can’t wait to hear that version of Bobby McGee.

You can sample it on Amazon.

You, sir, are the man.

I was just thinking about you while reading thru some old emails to my dad and my brother, trying to figure out how the Allan Sherman record ended up in our house.

Allan gets around.

I can’t say Angela Kalule does Kris’ song justice. The accent and ennunciation make it sound slightly comical, I’m afraid.

I can’t seem to get the Amazon links to work for me.
I’ll have to see the movie I guess.

Oh woe is me.

The sample on iTunes works if you have access to that.

You’re paranoid, mon!

And you’re still irritating.

I have compassion for your finding me irritating. I’d find people irritating too, if I was paranoid.

“If I were paranoid.” And while it’s not clear from your rather tortured sentence structure exactly where your compassion is directed, it is clear that it is not directed at me. Which is fine. I don’t need it.

And saw on my ‘on this day’ show prep that he died today in 1973.

Rented the DVD tonight, Forest Whitaker as Idi Amin was excellent.

That was a high point, the rest of the film has some pretty brutal stuff.

Unbelievable that after everything he did through the 70’s, he still lived into 2003.

tortured sentence structure

You would be funny if your condition weren’t so serious.

Now you think there’s not just a conspiracy to irritate YOU, you think there’s a conspiracy to torture sentence structures…


Where were you today? Too busy conspiring to make stuff up? Couldn’t take some time off to make it to LBI?

I saw the film yesterday, it was well worth waiting for. Forest Whitaker is scary as hell, he definitely deserved the Oscar he won. He really got it across what a complex character Amin was, unpredictably skipping from charming to paranoid to dangerous and back again. There was a short documentary about Amin in the special features, which showed that some people who lived through his regime still think of him as a hero because of his nationalist and anti-imperialist policies. James McAvoy and the rest of the cast were pretty damn good too.

I thought the book was adapted very well. As always with a book adaptation there was a lot of plot that couldn’t be included, but what was included (and added) worked very well. I also liked the fact that the ending was sufficiently different to the book that I didn’t know what was going to happen.